Mnemonic Groupings

For a complete list of mnemonics in alphabetic order, click here.

Plotter Mnemonics

Plotter Device Control Mnemonics

ABS Mnemonic - Set Absolute Plotter Starting Position

ASPECT Mnemonic - Set Aspect Ratio

COLOR Mnemonic - Set Drawing Color

FILL Mnemonic - Set Fill Type

NOFILL Mnemonic - Disable Filling

OFFSET Mnemonic - Set X and Y Offset

PALETTE Mnemonic - Select Drawing Palette

PATTERN Mnemonic - Set Drawing Pattern

REL Mnemonic - Set Relative Plotter Starting Position

ROTATE Mnemonic - Set Plot Rotation

VIEWPORT Mnemonic - Set Viewport

WORLD Mnemonic - Set World Coordinates

Plotter Device Drawing Mnemonics

ARC Mnemonic - Draw Arc

CLEAR Mnemonic - Clear Viewport

DRAW Mnemonic - Draw to Point

FONT Mnemonic - Set Plotter Text Font

LINE Mnemonic - Draw Line

MOVE Mnemonic - Move to Point

PAINT Mnemonic - Paint Region

POLYGON Mnemonic - Draw Polygon

POLYLINE Mnemonic - Draw Polyline

RECT Mnemonic - Draw Rectangle

SET Mnemonic - Set Point

TEXT Mnemonic - Plot Text

Printer Mnemonics

Printer Channel Control Mnemonics

BG Mnemonic - Begin !ERROR=29 Generation

BO Mnemonic - Begin Output Transparency Control

EG Mnemonic - End !ERROR=29 Generation

EO Mnemonic - End Output Transparency Control

Printer Device Control Mnemonics

MP Mnemonic - Printer Buffer Control (Parallel)

MS Mnemonic - Printer Buffer Control (Serial)

Printer Character Attribute Mnemonics

BB Mnemonic - Begin Bold Attribute (Printer)

BU Mnemonic - Begin Underline Attribute (Printer)

EB Mnemonic - End Bold Attribute

EP Mnemonic - Expanded Print

EU Mnemonic - End Underline Attribute (Printer)

Printer Device Function Mnemonics

@ Mnemonic - Set Horizontal Position

@ Mnemonic - Set Horizontal And Vertical Position

BMARGIN Mnemonic - Bottom Margin   (BBj only)

BS Mnemonic - Backspace/Destructive Backspace Mnemonic

CP Mnemonic - Set Compressed Print Mode (Printer)

CR Mnemonic - Carriage Return (Printer)

EL Mnemonic - End Slew Buffer Load

ENDSPOOL Mnemonic - Force Windows Print Job

ES Mnemonic - Send Escape (Printer)

FF Mnemonic - Form Feed

LF Mnemonic - Linefeed

LMARGIN Mnemonic - Left Margin

RB Mnemonic - Ring Bell

RMARGIN Mnemonic - Right Margin   (BBj only)

S2...S8 Mnemonic - Slew Commands

SL Mnemonic - Begin Slew Buffer Load

SP Mnemonic - Standard Print

TMARGIN Mnemonic - Top Margin

VT Mnemonic - Vertical Tab

SYSGUI Mnemonics

Context Mnemonics

CONTEXT Mnemonic - Set Device Context

DESTROY Mnemonic - Destroy Context

Control Manipulation Mnemonics


BACKGROUND Mnemonic - Set Control Background Color   (BBj only)

CHECK Mnemonic - Check Object(s)

CLRTITLE Mnemonic - Clear Window and Control Titles According to ID

CLRTYPE Mnemonic - Clear Windows or Control Titles According to Type

COLORSET Mnemonic - Set Control Colors

CUE Mnemonic - Set Cue Text

DISABLE Mnemonic - Disable Object(s)

ENABLE Mnemonic - Enable Object(s)

EVENTMASK Mnemonic - Change Event Mask

FLUSH Mnemonic - Flush Event Queue

FOCUS Mnemonic - Set Focus to Control or Window

FONT Mnemonic - Set Control Font

FOREGROUND Mnemonic - Set Control Foreground Color   (BBj only)

HIDE Mnemonic - Hide Object(s)

MOVE Mnemonic - Move Control/Window

OPTIONS Mnemonic - Control Options

RAISE Mnemonic - Bring Window to Front

READONLY Mnemonic - Make Edit Control(s) Read-Only

READWRITE Mnemonic - Make Edit Control(s) User Changeable

SELECT Mnemonic - Select Text

SHOW Mnemonic - Show Object(s)

SIZE Mnemonic - Set Control/Window Size

TITLE Mnemonic - Set Control/Window Title

UNCHECK Mnemonic - Uncheck Object(s)

Button Control

BUTTON Mnemonic - Create a Push Button Control

INJECT Mnemonic -Set Button Response Text

Check Box Control

CHECK Mnemonic - Check Object(s)

CHECKBOX Mnemonic - Create a Check Box Control

UNCHECK Mnemonic - Uncheck Object(s)

Child Window

CHILD Mnemonic - Create a Child Window

CONTEXT Mnemonic - Set Device Context

DOCK Mnemonic - Change Child Window Docking Position

Custom Edit Control

CEDIT Mnemonic - Create Multi-line Text Edit Control

TXADD Mnemonic - Add Paragraph(s) to a Custom Edit Control

TXAPPEND Mnemonic - Append Custom Edit Control Paragraph(s)

TXCLR Mnemonic - Clear Custom Edit Control Paragraph(s)

TXDEL Mnemonic - Delete Custom Edit Control Paragraph

TXEDIT Mnemonic - Create a Custom Edit Control

TXLIMIT Mnemonic - Limit Custom Edit Control Paragraph Length

TXRESUME Mnemonic - Resume Custom Edit Control Updates

TXSELECT Mnemonic - Perform Custom Edit Control Text Selection

TXSETTAB Mnemonic - Change Custom Edit Control Tab Settings

TXSUSPEND Mnemonic - Suspend Custom Edit Control Updates

Edit Box Control

EDIT Mnemonic - Create an Edit Control

Grid Control

GRID Mnemonic - Create a Grid Control

Group Box Control

GROUPBOX Mnemonic - Create a Group Box Control


ILISTDEL Mnemonic - Destroy Image List

IMAGE Mnemonic - Draw Bitmapped Image

IMAGELIST Mnemonic - Create Image List

SCRIBBLE Mnemonic - Toggle Scribble On/Off

TRACK Mnemonic - Toggle Tracking On/Off

INPUT* Control

INPUTD Mnemonic - Create Date Edit (INPUTD) Control   (BBj only)

INPUTE Mnemonic - Create Graphical Edit (INPUTE) Control

INPUTN Mnemonic - Create Numeric Edit (INPUTN) Control

List Box, List Button, List Edit Controls

LISTADD Mnemonic - Add List Item

LISTBOX Mnemonic - Create a List Box Control

LISTBUTTON Mnemonic - Create a List Button

LISTCLR Mnemonic - Clear List

LISTDEL Mnemonic - Delete List Item

LISTEDIT Mnemonic - Create a List Edit Control

LISTMSEL Mnemonic - Select Multiple List Items

LISTRESUME Mnemonic - Resume List Updates

LISTSEL Mnemonic - Select List Item

LISTSELSIZE Mnemonic - Change Size

LISTSUSPEND Mnemonic - Suspend List Updates

LISTUNSEL Mnemonic - Deselect List Item


SETMENU Mnemonic - Set or Replace Menu

Radio Button Control

CHECK Mnemonic - Check Object(s)

GROUPBOX Mnemonic - Create a Group Box Control

RADIOBUTTON Mnemonic - Create a Radio Button Control

RADIOGROUP Mnemonic - Create Radio Group

UNCHECK Mnemonic - Uncheck Object(s)

Scroll Bar Controls

HSCROLL Mnemonic - Create a Horizontal Scroll Bar Control

SCROLLPOS Mnemonic - Set Scroll Bar Position

SCROLLPROP Mnemonic - Set Scroll Bar Proportion

SCROLLRANGE Mnemonic - Set Scroll Bar Range

VSCROLL Mnemonic - Create a Vertical Scroll Bar Control

Status Bar Control

STATBAR Mnemonic - Create a Status Bar

Static Text Control

TEXT Mnemonic - Create a Static Text Control

Tab Control

TABCTRL Mnemonic - Create a Tab Control

Tool Button Control

TBUTTON Mnemonic - Create a Tool Button Control

INJECT Mnemonic -Set Button Response Text


CHARS Mnemonic - Set Character Units

MAXIMIZE Mnemonic - Maximize Window

MINICON Mnemonic - Create Window Icon

MINIMIZE Mnemonic - Minimize Window

PIXELS Mnemonic - Set Pixel Units

RESOURCE Mnemonic - Invoke Prepared Resource

RESTORE Mnemonic - Restore Window (Special Window)

SCALE Mnemonic - Scale Coordinates

SEMICHARS Mnemonic - Set Semicharacter Units

SETCURSOR Mnemonic - Select Mouse Cursor Shape (Special Window)

WINDOW Mnemonic - Create a SYSGUI Window

Drawing Mnemonics

Coordinate Mnemonics

DRAWUNITS Mnemonic - Set Unit of Measure for Drawing

TRACK Mnemonic - Toggle Tracking On/Off

VIRTUAL Mnemonic - Set Virtual Drawing Surface

WORLD Mnemonic - Set World Coordinates

Tool Mnemonics

DRAWMODE Mnemonic - Set SYSGUI Drawing Mode

FILL Mnemonic - Set Fill Type

FONT Mnemonic - Set Drawing Font

NOFILL Mnemonic - Disable Brush Fill

OPAQUE Mnemonic - Select Text Transparency Mode

PATTERN Mnemonic - Set Pen Pattern

PENWIDTH Mnemonic - Set Pen Width

Color Mnemonics

BACKCOLOR Mnemonic - Set Background Color

BRUSHCOLOR Mnemonic - Set Brush Color for Filled Drawn Objects

COLOR Mnemonic - Set Pen, Brush, and Text Colors

FORECOLOR Mnemonic - Set Foreground Color

PENCOLOR Mnemonic - Set Pen Color

TEXTCOLOR Mnemonic - Set Text Color

Command Mnemonics

ARC Mnemonic - Draw Arc

ARROW Mnemonic - Draw Arrow

CLEAR Mnemonic - Clear Drawn Objects

CLEARBG Mnemonic - Clear to Background Color

DRAW Mnemonic - Pen Draw

ELLIPSE Mnemonic - Draw Ellipse

IMAGE Mnemonic - Draw Bitmapped Image

LINE Mnemonic - Draw Line

MEASURE Mnemonic - Measure Text

MOVETO Mnemonic - Move Pen

PLOTTEXT Mnemonic - Plot Text

POLYGON Mnemonic - Draw Polygon

POLYLINE Mnemonic - Draw Polyline

POP Mnemonic - Restore Drawing Position

PUSH Mnemonic - Save Drawing Position

RECT Mnemonic - Draw Rectangle

REDRAW Mnemonic - Redraw Window Contents

RESUME Mnemonic - Resume Updates

ROUND Mnemonic - Draw Rounded Rectangles

SET Mnemonic - Plot a Point

SUSPEND Mnemonic - Suspend Updates

Printing Command Mnemonics

PBEGIN Mnemonic - Begin Printing

PCANCEL Mnemonic - Cancel Printing

PEND Mnemonic - End Printing

PRESTORE Mnemonic - Restore Print Setup

PSETUP Mnemonic - Activate Print Setup Dialog

PWINDOW Mnemonic - Print Window

SYSPRINT Mnemonics

ENDBATCH Mnemonic   (BBj only)

STARTBATCH Mnemonic   (BBj only)


AMOUSE Mnemonic - Create an Absolute Mouse Hot Spot

ASK Mnemonic - Create a Question Dialog

AUTOPASTE Mnemonic - Allow Automatic Copy and Paste of a Single Word   (BBj only)

COPYSTYLE Mnemonic – Set the SysWindow Copy/Paste Mechanism (SysConsole/SysWindow)(BBj only)

CTRLCCOPY Mnemonic - Set the SysWindow Copy/Paste Mechanism   (BBj only)

DISABLE Mnemonic - Disable Window

DOCK Mnemonic - Position the SysWindow   (BBj only)

ENABLE Mnemonic - Enable Window

FILEOPEN Mnemonic - Create a File Open Dialog

FILESAVE Mnemonic - Create a File Save Dialog

FOCUS Mnemonic - Set Keyboard Focus

FONT Mnemonic - Set SYSWINDOW Font

GETS Mnemonic - Create Message Dialog

HIDE Mnemonic - Hide Window

LOCKMODE Mnemonic - Lock Columns and Rows   (BBj only)

MAXIMIZE Mnemonic - Maximize Window

MINICON Mnemonic - Create Window Icon

MINIMIZE Mnemonic - Minimize Window

MOUSE Mnemonic - Create a Mouse Hot Spot

PLAYSOUND Mnemonic - Play a Sound File

RAISE Mnemonic - Bring Window to Front

REDRAW Mnemonic - Redraw SYSWINDOW

RELOCATE Mnemonic - Move the SysWindow   (BBj only)

RESIZE Mnemonic - Change the SysConsole/Window Size   (BBj only)

RESTORE Mnemonic - Restore Window

SETCURSOR Mnemonic - Select Mouse Cursor Shape

SHOW Mnemonic - Make Window Visible

SIZE Mnemonic - Set SYSWINDOW Size

TITLE Mnemonic - Set Window Title

Terminal Mnemonics


HISTSIZE Mnemonic - Set Command History Size   (BBj only)

Terminal Channel Control

BE Mnemonic - Begin Echo Mode

BG Mnemonic - Begin !ERROR=29 Generation

BI Mnemonic - Begin Input Transparency

BO Mnemonic - Begin Output Transparency

EE Mnemonic - End Echo Mode

EG Mnemonic - End !ERROR=29 Generation

EI Mnemonic - End Input Transparency Control

EO Mnemonic - End Output Transparency Control

LC Mnemonic - Lower Case Input

UC Mnemonic - Upper Case Input

Terminal Character Attribute

ATTR Mnemonic - Restore Attributes

BACKGR Mnemonic - Background Color Control

BB Mnemonic - Begin Blink Attribute

BLACK Mnemonic - Set Text Color Black

BLUE Mnemonic - Set Text Color Blue

BR Mnemonic - Begin Reverse Video Attribute

BU Mnemonic - Begin Underline Attribute

CYAN Mnemonic - Set Text Color Cyan

DEFAULT Mnemonic - Set Attribute Default

EB Mnemonic - End Blink Attribute

ER Mnemonic - End Reverse Video Attribute

EU Mnemonic - End Underline Attribute

GE Mnemonic - Graphics End

GREEN Mnemonic - Set Text Color Green

GS Mnemonic - Graphics Start

MAGENTA Mnemonic - Set Text Color Magenta

RED Mnemonic - Set Text Color Red

RGB Mnemonic - Set Terminal Foreground and Background Colors

SB Mnemonic - Set Background Attribute

SF Mnemonic - Set Foreground Attribute

WHITE Mnemonic - Set Text Color White

YELLOW Mnemonic - Set Text Color Yellow

Terminal Device Control

BT Mnemonic - Begin Type Ahead Control

ET Mnemonic - End Type Ahead Control

PE Mnemonic - Protect Mode End

PS Mnemonic - Protect Mode Start

Terminal Device Function

@ Mnemonic - Set Horizontal Position

@ Mnemonic - Set Horizontal and Vertical Position

BC Mnemonic - Cursor Backspace

BOX Mnemonic - Print a Box

BS Mnemonic - Destructive Backspace

CAPTURE Mnemonic - Capture Underlying Text   (BBj only)

CE Mnemonic - Clear to End of Screen

CF Mnemonic - Clear Foreground

CH Mnemonic - Cursor Home

CI Mnemonic - Clear Input Buffer

CL Mnemonic - Clear to End of Line

CP Mnemonic - Set Compressed Print

CR Mnemonic - Carriage Return

CS Mnemonic - Clear Window

CURSOR Mnemonic - Cursor Attributes

DC Mnemonic - Delete Character

DN Mnemonic - Cursor Down

DROP Mnemonic - Drop Window

EL Mnemonic - Edit Key Control

ES Mnemonic - Send Escape Character

FL Mnemonic - Function Key Control

GOTO Mnemonic - Go to Window

IC Mnemonic - Insert Character

KL Mnemonic - Keyboard Lock

KU Mnemonic - Keyboard Unlock

LD Mnemonic - Line Delete

LF Mnemonic - Linefeed

LI Mnemonic - Line Insert

LT Mnemonic - Cursor Left

MOVE Mnemonic - Move Window

OVERLAY Mnemonic - Display an underlying character window on top of the active window (Terminal Device)

POP Mnemonic - Pop Window

PUSH Mnemonic - Push Window

RB Mnemonic - Ring Bell

RC Mnemonic - Read Cursor

RL Mnemonic - Read Line

RM Mnemonic - Reset Modes/Attributes

RP Mnemonic - Read Page to End

RS Mnemonic - Refresh Screen

RT Mnemonic - Move Cursor Right

SCROLL Mnemonic - Set Scrolling Region, Disable Scrolling Enable Scrolling, Reset Scrolling Region

SP Mnemonic - Standard Screen Size

SWAP Mnemonic - Swap Windows

TR Mnemonic - Read Page From Start

UP Mnemonic - Cursor Up

VT Mnemonic - Vertical Tab

WINDELETE Mnemonic - Delete a saved character window

WINDOW Mnemonic - Create a Window

WINDOW Mnemonic - Get Active Window Numbers

WINRESTORE Mnemonic - Restore a saved character window

WINSAVE Mnemonic - Save a copy of a character window

WRAP Mnemonic - Enable and Disable Line Wrapping