LISTBOX Mnemonic - Create a List Box Control




The 'LISTBOX' mnemonic creates a list box control, which presents the user with a selection of choices in a box. The list of choices available may be modified only under program control. The values in the list may be accessed using a zero-based list index integer. Multiple selections may be made if the multiple-selection flag is set. To select a range of choices, the user selects the first item and holds the Shift key while selecting the last item in the range.

Parameter Description
id Control ID number. It must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.
x Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control in units.
y Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control in units.
w Width of the control in units.
h Height of the control in units.
title Title of the control
flags Control flags, as follows:
$0001$Sets the control to be initially disabled.
$0010$Sets the control to be initially invisible.
$0400$Permits the control to accept multiple selections.
$0800$Draws a recessed client edge around the control.
$1000$Draws a raised edge around the control.

See Also

Mnemonics - Alphabetical Listing

Mnemonics - Group Listing