BBj User Authentication

BBj allows the administrator to require user authentication for all users of a particular BBjServices installation.

To enable or disable user authentication, use the Enterprise Manager configuration dialog and follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the server to be configured.

  2. Select "Server Information" and choose the Environment tab.

  3. Check or uncheck the box labeled "User Authentication"

  4. Click [Save] at the bottom.

User authentication provides a dialog (or a prompt in the non-GUI environment) in which the user supplies a valid BBjServices username and password pair. An empty password is legal, although not advised. BBjServices fills in the user field with this value if a –u command line option is specified.

After a successful login, BBjServices checks out a license to that valid username and returns that username via INFO(3,2). Sets the !DSUDDB key in the STBL.

Set a user password pair in the config.bbx file with the following line:

SET !DSUDDB=user=username,passwd=trogdor

Additionally, configure the text in the dialog or prompt by entering the following lines in the config file with the desired dialog/prompt following the = sign:

SET userAuthentication.prompt.title=Login Required
SET userAuthentication.prompt.user=User:
SET userAuthentication.prompt.rememberUsername=Remember Username
SET userAuthentication.prompt.password=Password:
SET userAuthentication.prompt.button=Login
SET userAuthentication.prompt.cancel=Cancel
SET userAuthentication.prompt.attributes=

DWC logoNote:

The attributes value is currently defined only for the DWC client, with values taken from the Attributes column on the dwc-login component page. For example:

SET userAuthentication.prompt.attributes=rememberme=false

When logging in, the user may press the Enter instead of clicking the button. To suppress the display of the button, use the following line in the config file:

set userAuthentication.prompt.button=

When a new BBj session is started via an SCALL or newBBjSession(), a user authentication dialog is displayed only if a –u is specified.

When user authentication is not enabled, RHOSTS (and optionally including IDENTD) authentication is performed.


The visual appearance of BUI controls is defined using CSS (cascading style sheets) rules. Easily change the default colors, border, and other settings by customizing these rules, all without changing any application code. See CSS API for a high-level overview of BUI CSS.

If User Authentication is selected in Enterprise Manager (see BBj Services - Settings), the user is prompted for a user name and password before being handed off to the application.  By default, the login dialog looks like this:

Those five text values ("Login Required", "User:", "Password:", "Login", and "Cancel") can be customized through defined STBL values, either at runtime or in the config.bbx file.  The styles can be customized with the following CSS style names:















And here's how it looks with a few very minor CSS tweaks:

Sample CSS

  background: blue !important;
  border-color: blue !important;
.BBjUserAuthentication .dialogMiddleCenter
  border-color: blue !important;
  background: #f0f0f0 !important;

ClosedVersion History

  • BBj 20.12: added the rememberUsername property

See Also

DWC Component: dwc-login

STBL Formats – BBj

BBjServices - Servers

Starting BBjServices

Using LDAP and Active Directory User Authentication

Two-Factor Authentication in BBj

Browser Inspectors

Window Manager

CSS Reference

Mozilla CSS Reference

CSS3 Resources

CSS3 Info

CSS Gradient Generator

Official CSS Specification Documents