Jar Registration


The JarRegistrar class allows BBj developers to register jars of Java classes so that their users can run BBj programs where those classes are invoked as ClientObjects. If a ClientObject from an unregistered jar is used in a BBj session, the user will see a periodic nag message for the remainder of that session. This nag message also occurs if the jar is registered for a version of BBj later than the user license version. For example, a jar registered for BBj 9.x will work with a BBj 9.x or 10.x license, but will not work with a BBj 8.x license.

How to invoke the JarRegistration Web Service

The JarRegistration web service can be invoked in three ways: 1) from the command line or 2) from the command line invoking the Jar or 3) from the registerJar method of the JarRegistrar class.

1.  JarRegistrar can be invoked by entering the following line at the command line:

java com.basis.utilities.jarreg.client.JarRegistrar <path to input jar> <path to output jar>

2. Jar Registration Service Client can be invoked by entering from the command line invoking the Jar:

java -jar JarRegistrationServiceClient.jar <source jar> <destination jar>

Note: When invoking JarRegistrar from the command line, be sure that <BBj_install>/lib/BBjIndex.jar and <BBj_install>/lib/ExtIndex.jar are in your classpath.

3. The following example demonstrates how to use the registerJar method in BBj:

use com.basis.utilities.jarreg.client.JarRegistrar

: "c:\temp\myAPI_registered.jar")