Starting BBjServices

Starting Windows 95/98/ME BBjServices

To start BBjServices, click [Start] and select Programs|BBj Products|BBjServices.

Starting Windows 2000/NT 4.0/XP/Vista/7 BBjServices

  1. Click the [Start] button and select Settings | Control Panel | Administrative Tools | Services.
  2. Either double click or right click on BBjServices and select Start.

When BBjServices is run as a service it has access to devices such as mapped drives, printers, etc. as the user specified during the installation of BBj. To modify this user, refer to Sys Admin > Miscellaneous > Administration Wizard.

For access to the same device(s) as the currently logged on user, BBjServices can be run from the command line with a –noservice option. For example:

BBjServices -noservice

Starting UNIX BBjServices

To start BBjServices for GUI or character-based UNIX systems, run the following at the UNIX shell prompt:


The account that starts BBjServices determines the permission levels used for file and device access. When the user "root" starts BBjServices, BBjServices performs file/device operations on behalf of the connecting user according to the permission levels set for that user's system account. If that user does not have a system account, then BBjServices utilizes the permission levels of the "nobody" account. When a non-root user starts BBjServices, the permissions of that non-root user account determine the permissions of all file and device access for all users running BBj.


Account That
Started BBjServices

Connecting User
Has a System Account

Account that
Determines Permissions








