In BBj 7.00 and higher, the BBjEditBoxSpinner adds spinner functionality to the BBjEditBox.
Implemented Interfaces
DragSource, DropTarget,Editable, Focusable, MouseWheelEnabled, RecordSetBindable,SimpleRecordSetBindable,TabTraversable, TextAlignable,Validateable
In BBj 15.0 and higher: TextControl
BBjAPI > BBjSysGui > BBjWindow > BBjEditBoxSpinner
A BBjEditBoxSpinner object is created through the following BBjWindow methods:
Return Value |
Method |
addEditBoxSpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string text$) |
addEditBoxSpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string text$, string flags$) |
addEditBoxSpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, BBjVector list!) |
addEditBoxSpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, BBjVector list!, string flags$) |
BBjEditBoxSpinner | addEditBoxSpinner(int ID, string text$) |
BBjEditBoxSpinner | addEditBoxSpinner(int ID, string text$, String flags$) |
BBjEditBoxSpinner | addEditBoxSpinner(int ID, BBjVector list!) |
BBjEditBoxSpinner | addEditBoxSpinner(int ID, BBjVector list!, String flags$) |
BBjEditBoxSpinner | addEditBoxSpinner(string text$) |
BBjEditBoxSpinner | addEditBoxSpinner(string text$, String flags$) |
BBjEditBoxSpinner | addEditBoxSpinner(BBjVector list!) |
addEditBoxSpinner(BBjVector list!, String flags$) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner inherited from BBjListSpinner
Return Value |
Method |
int |
void |
setListIndex(int index) |
void |
setSpinList(BBjVector spinList!) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner inherited from BBjSpinner
Return Value |
Method |
void |
spin(boolean up) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner inherited from BBjEditBox
Return Value |
Method |
boolean |
string |
boolean |
void |
setEditable(boolean edit) |
void |
setPassHomeDelete(boolean pass) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented for DragSource
Return Value | Method |
int | getDragActions() |
string | getDragType() |
void | setDragActions(int actions) |
void | setDragType(string type) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented for DropTarget
Return Value | Method |
int | getDropActions() |
void | setDropActions(int actions) |
BBjVector | getDropTypes() |
void | setDropTypes(BBjVector types) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented for Focusable
Return Value | Method |
boolean | isFocusable() |
void | setFocusable(boolean focus) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented for RecordSetBindable
Return Value | Method |
void | bindRecordSet(BBjRecordSet recordset!, string fieldname) |
string | getBoundFieldName() |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented for TabTraversable
Return Value | Method |
boolean | isTabTraversable() |
void | setTabTraversable(boolean trav) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented for TextAlignable
Return Value | Method |
int | getAlignment() |
void | setAlignment(int align) |
Methods of of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented TextControl
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented for Validateable
Return Value | Method |
void | accept(boolean valid) |
string | getValidationText() |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner implemented for MouseWheelEnabled
Return Value | Method |
int | getScrollWheelBehavior() |
void | setScrollWheelBehavior(int trav) |
Methods of BBjEditBoxSpinner inherited from BBjControl
Callback Code |
Object-oriented Event |
Read Record Event |
Code |
v |
D |
N (Notify code 1) |
e |
f |
f |
E |
E |
r |
R |
x |
The visual appearance of BUI controls is defined using CSS (cascading style sheets) rules. Easily change the default colors, border, and other settings by customizing these rules, all without changing any application code. See CSS API for a high-level overview of BUI CSS.
For BBjSpinner samples, refer to the BUI Showcase (demo, code). The BBjEditBoxSpinner control contains a BBjEditBox, followed by spinner arrows in a structure with the style name .BBjSpinner-arrows and either .BBjSpinner-horizontal-arrows or .BBjSpinner-vertical-arrows. It defines the following style names:
.BBjSpinner-horizontal-arrows (on touch-oriented devices)
.BBjSpinner-vertical-arrows (on mouse-oriented systems)
The BBjEditBoxSpinner is exactly the same as a BBjEditBox control, with the added ability to spin the provided list.
Constants inherited from BBjControl
See Also
CALLBACK Verb - Register BBj Subroutine
DWC Component: dwc-field-spinner
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.