In BBj 4.0 and higher, a BBjRecordSet represents the set of records from a data file or SQL SELECT command. The BBjRecordSet maintains a pointer to the current record (BBjRecordData) with methods to insert, update, delete, and move between records. A record set is often bound to one or more data-aware GUI controls. See Interface RecordSetBindable::bindRecordSet for more information.
BBjAPI > BBjRecordSet
BBjSysGui > BBjRecordSet
The BBjRecordSet object is created through the following BBjAPI object methods:
Return Value |
Method |
BBjRecordSet |
createFileRecordSet(string filename, string modes, string template) |
BBjRecordSet |
createMemoryRecordSet(string stringTemplate) |
BBjRecordSet |
createSQLRecordSet(string connect, string modes, string select) |
BBjRecordSet |
createSQLRecordSet(string connect , string modes, string select, boolean scrollSensitive) |
BBjRecordSet |
createSQLRecordSet(string connect, string modes, string select, boolean scrollSensitive, boolean updatable) |
A resource-based BBjRecordSet is created through the following BBjSysGui object method:
Return Value | Method |
BBjRecordSet | createRecordSet(int resHandle, int recordSetID) |
Methods of BBjRecordSet
Return Value |
Method |
void |
addMapping(string diskField, string presentationField, BBjMappingSource valueSource, BBjMappingAction action) |
void |
close() |
createFormatMappingAction(string format) |
createRecordSetMappingSource(BBjRecordSet valueSource, string backField, string frontField) |
void |
void |
first() |
String |
int | getCurrentRecordNumber() |
String |
String |
getMode() |
String |
getQuery() |
int |
String |
void |
insert(BBjRecordData recordData) |
boolean |
boolean |
isEmpty() |
boolean |
boolean |
void |
last() |
int |
move(int count) |
void |
moveToRecord(int recordNumber) |
void |
next() |
void |
previous() |
void |
seek(BBjRecordData recordData) seek(BBjRecordData recordData, boolean partial) |
void |
seekBackward(BBjRecordData recordData) seekBackward(BBjRecordData recordData, boolean partial) |
void |
seekForward(BBjRecordData recordData) seekForward(BBjRecordData recordData, boolean partial) |
void |
setCurrentRecordData(BBjRecordData recordData) |
void |
update(BBjRecordData recordData) |
See Also
BBj Object Creation and Assignment
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.