In BBj 4.00 and higher, this method creates a BBjRecordSet bound to an SQL SELECT statement.
Return Value |
Method |
createSQLRecordSet(string connect, string modes, string select) |
createSQLRecordSet(string connect, string modes, string select, boolean scrollSensitive) |
createSQLRecordSet(string connect, string modes, string select, boolean scrollSensitive, boolean updatable) |
Variable |
Description |
connect |
The connection string required to access an SQL database, equivalent to the JDBC connection string in the sql.ini file. A database name defined in sql.ini or config.ini can also be used here. |
modes |
SQL modes. This is the string that would be specified in the MODE=string option in a regular SQLOPEN command. For additional details, see SQLOPEN Verb - Open SQL Channel. |
select |
An SQL SELECT command. |
scrollSensitive |
In BBj 12.00 and higher, scroll sensitive true (1) displays live updates to the file while scrolling through the record set; false (0) takes a snapshot of the record set at the time the query is run. If using this with a grid, this must be set to false. The default is false. |
updatable |
In BBj 12.00 and higher, true (1) indicates the record set is updatable; false (0) prevents updates to the record set. The default is true. |
Return Value
Returns an SQL-based BBjRecordSet object.
See Also
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.