In BBj 15.00 and higher, this class allows the configuration of web contexts within the Jetty Server. This class is used to programmatically configure these contexts.
Each context can contain a unique set of BBxServlets, BUI applications, JNLP application and static content.
To access the main BBj context, which is the default context for all applications, use the BBjJettyServerConfiguration::getRootContextInfo() method.
The context path is the prefix of a URL path that is used to select the context to which an incoming request is passed.
Typically a URL in a BBxServlet is in the format http://hostname:8888/contextPath/servlet/servletPath, where each of the path elements can be zero or more / separated elements. If there is no context path, the context is referred to as the root context. The root context must be configured as '/'.
BBjAPI > BBjAdmin > BBjJettyServerConfiguration > BBjJettyContextConfiguration
The BBjJettyContextConfiguration is created through the following BBjJettyServerConfiguration methods:
Return Value | Method |
BBjJettyContextConfiguration |
createCustomContext(string name) |
BBjJettyContextConfiguration |
getCustomContext(string name) |
BBjJettyContextConfiguration |
Methods of BBjJettyContextConfiguration
Return Value | Method |
addBBjServlet(string name, string program, string config) |
addBBjspServlet(string classname, string mapping, string source) |
addBBjspServlet(string classname, string mapping, string source, string config) |
BBxServlet |
addBBxServlet(String classname, String mapping, String source) |
BBxServlet |
addBBxServlet(String classname, String mapping, String source, String config) |
BBxServlet |
addBBxServlet(String mapping, String source, String classname) |
BBxServlet |
addBBxServlet(String mapping, String source, String classname, String method) |
BBxServlet |
addBBxServlet(String mapping, String source, String classname, String method, int enabled) |
BBxServlet |
addBBxServlet(String mapping, String source, String classname, String method, String config) |
BBxServlet |
addBBxServlet(String mapping, String source, String classname, String method, String config, int enabled) |
addCommandConfig(string path, string className, string source) |
void |
addHost(string hostname) |
addJavaServlet(string name, string mapping) |
addPipelineConfig(string name) |
void |
addWelcomeFile(string welcome) |
boolean |
deleteCommandConfig(string name) |
void |
deleteHeader(string name) |
void |
deleteParameter(string name) |
void |
disable() |
void |
enable() |
getBBjspServlet(string mapping) |
BBxServlet | getBBxServlet(String mapping) |
BBjVector | getBBxServletMappings() |
BBjVector | getBBxServlets() |
string |
getCommandConfig(string name) |
string |
string |
string |
string |
String | getDefaultErrorPage() |
string |
string |
string |
BBjVector | getErrorPages() |
String | getErrorPageURI(String errorCode) |
string |
getHeader(string name) |
getHosts() |
int |
getJavaServlet(string name, string mapping) |
string |
string |
getParameterValue(string name) |
string |
getPath() |
getPipelineConfig(string name) |
getServlet(string name) |
string |
string |
int | getSSLPort() |
string |
string |
boolean |
boolean |
isHTTP() |
boolean |
boolean |
void |
putCommandConfig(BBjspCommandConfig config) |
void |
removeBBjServlet(string name) |
void |
removeBBjspServlet(string mapping) |
void | removeBBxServlet(String mapping) |
void |
removeHost(string host) |
void |
void |
removeWelcomeFile(string welcome) |
void |
void |
setClasspath(string classpath) |
void |
setCommandExtensions(string extension) |
void |
setConfig(string config) |
void |
setContextStartProgram(string program) |
void |
setContextStopProgram(string program) |
void | setDefaultErrorPage(String errorPage) |
void |
setDevMode(string devmode) |
void |
setDocBase(string docBase) |
void |
setEncoding(string encoding) |
void | setErrorPageURI(String errorCode, String uri) |
void |
setHeader(string name, string value) |
void |
setHTTP(boolean http) |
void |
setHttpPort(int port) |
void |
setPageExtensions(string extension) |
void |
setParameter(string name, string value) |
void |
setPath(string path) |
void |
setSessionCookieHttpOnly(boolean httpOnly) |
void |
setSessionCookieSecure(boolean secure) |
void |
setSessionStartProgram(string program) |
void |
setSessionStopProgram(string program) |
void | setSSLPort(int port) |
void |
setStatus(string status) |
void |
setWarFile(string warFile) |