In BBj 3.0 and higher, BBjNamespace provides a mechanism
by which two or more BBj programs that are running in the same BBjServices
can share data. It also provides methods that allow a program to be notified
when that shared data is modified by some other program.
There are three types of BBjNamespaces, each with their own naming convention,
level of visibility, and life cycle, with differences in scope and de-allocation
of the shared memory.
Generic BBjNamespace - scope is global; memory is automatically freed when there are no longer any references.
Group BBjNamespace - scope is parent-children (group) interpreter (SCALLED or newBBjSession()) sessions; memory is automatically de-allocated when the group no longer exists
Global BBjNamespace - scope is global BBjServices or JVM wide; de-allocation only happens when items are removed from the namespace or restart of BBjServices (no automatic de-allocation)
Generic BBjNamespace
A generic BBjNamespace (see also BBjEnterpiseNamespace) may be obtained by any BBj program through a call to one of the following methods:
BBjAPI::getNamespace(string prefix, string suffix, boolean createIfNeeded)
BBjAPI::getExistingNamespace(string name)
BBjAPI::getNewNamespace(string prefix)
A BBjNamespace will remain in memory as long as there are any references to that BBjNamespace.
When a BBj session retrieves a generic BBjNamespace, the BBj session maintains a reference to that BBjNamespace for the lifetime of the BBj session. This is true even if the program itself does not assign that BBjNamespace to a variable.
A BBjNamespace can be placed into a different BBjNamespace or into an ObjectTable. Both of these actions add a reference to the BBjNamespace. So the BBjNamespace will be held in memory as long as it remains in another BBjNamespace that is held in memory or remains in an ObjectTable that is held in memory.
If a BBj session retrieves a BBjNamespace from a BBjNamespace or from an ObjectTable and then assigns the retrieved BBjNamespace to a variable, the variable acts as a reference to the BBjNamespace and that BBjNamespace will remain in memory as long as it is referenced by any variable in any BBj session.
Group BBjNamespace
A group BBjNamespace (see also BBjEnterpiseNamespace) is associated with a session group. A session group contains the session that was started by calling bbj. Except when running in a TermConsole, the session group also contains any BBj session that was created by a member of the group through calls to SCALL, BACKGROUND or newBBjSession(). When running in a TermConsole, every BBj session will have a unique group containing only one session.
All the BBj sessions within a given session group may access the same group BBjNamespace. The session BBjNamespace is obtained through a call to:
Each BBj session in a BBj session group maintains a reference to the Group BBjNamespace for that group. A Group BBjNamespace will remain in memory until all BBj sessions in the BBj session group are terminated.
Global BBjNamespace
The global BBjNamespace (see also BBjEnterpiseNamespace) is global to the JVM that is running BBjServices. A BBj program can obtain the global BBNamespace through a call to:
The global BBjNamespace is unique in that it will persist even after all BBj sessions have terminated. This means that NamedVariables whose values have been set through the global BBjNamespace will be accessible until the BBjServices are terminated.
Using BBjNamespace Methods
The name of any BBjNamespace may be obtained by calling the method:
The NamedVariables within a BBjNamespace may be set and retrieved by calling the methods:
BBjNamespace::getValue(string varName)
BBjNamespace::setValue(string varName, Object value)
BBjNamespace::setValue(string varName, Object value, long timeoutMillis)
The value of a NamedVariable within a BBjNamespace may be locked/unlocked through calls to:
BBjNamespace::removeLock(string varName)
BBjNamespace::setLock(string varName, long timeoutMillis)
A BBj program may register/unregister to be notified when the value of a NamedVariable within a BBjNamespace has changed through calls to the methods:
BBjNamespace::setCallbackForVariable(string varName, string callback)
BBjNamespace::setCallbackForVariable(string varName, CustomObject customObj, string methodName)
BBjNamespace::setCallbackForVariableChange(string varName, string callback)
BBjNamespace::setCallbackForVariableChange(string varName, CustomObject customObj, string methodName)
BBjNamespace::setCallbackForNamespace(string callback)
BBjNamespace::setCallbackForNamespace(string customObj, string methodName)
BBjNamespace::setCallbackForNamespaceChange(string callback)
BBjNamespace::setCallbackForNamespaceChange(CustomObject customObj, string methodName)
BBjNamespace::removeCallbackForVariable(string varName)
BBjNamespace::removeCallbackForVariableChange(string varName)
A BBj program may enable/disable all callbacks that the BBj session has registered on a BBj program by calling:
BBjNamespace::enableCallbacks(int enable)
BBjAPI > BBjNamespace
The BBjNamespace object is created through the following BBjAPI object methods:
Return Value |
Method |
BBjNamespace |
getExistingNamespace(string name) |
BBjNamespace |
BBjNamespace |
BBjNamespace |
getNamespace(string prefixName, string BaseName, int createIfNeeded) |
BBjNamespace |
getNewNamespace(string prefixName) |
Methods of BBjNamespace
Return Value |
Method |
void |
clear() |
java.util.HashMap |
cloneMap() |
void |
enableCallbacks(int enable) |
getKeys() |
string |
getName() |
BBjObject |
getValue(string name) |
void |
void |
void |
removeCallbackForVariable(string varName) |
void |
removeCallbackForVariableChange(string varName) |
void |
void |
removeLock(string varName) |
void |
setCallbackForNamespace(string callback) |
void |
setCallbackForNamespace(CustomObject custObj, string methodName) |
void |
setCallbackForNamespaceChange(string callback) |
void |
setCallbackForNamespaceChange(CustomObject custObj, string methodName) |
void |
setCallbackForVariable(string varName, string callback) |
void |
setCallbackForVariable(string varName, CustomObject custObj, string methodName) |
void |
setCallbackForVariableChange(string varName, string callback) |
void |
setCallbackForVariableChange(string varName, CustomObject custObj, string methodName) |
void |
setLock(string name, long timeoutMillis) |
void |
setValue(string name, object value) |
void |
setValue(string name, object value, long timeoutMillis) |
void |
removeValue(string name) |
void |
removeValue(string name, long timeoutMillis) |
Objects passed to other BBj sessions via the BBjNamespace objects are passed by reference.
When multiple BBj interpreters share data via BBjNamespace, many Java objects are unsafe for concurrent modification. The developer is responsible, in this multiple-thread environment, for utilizing locks to prevent accidental unsynchronized access to the object.
See Accessing Objects from Different Interpreters for restrictions on usage of BBj objects shared via BBjNamespaces.
See Also
BBj Object Creation and Assignment
Accessing Objects From Different Interpreters
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.