In BBj 3.00 and higher, this method retrieves a BBjNamespace.
Return Value |
Method |
getNamespace(string prefixName, string baseName, int createIfNeeded) |
Variable |
Description |
prefixName |
This name is prefixed to baseName to create the actual name of a BBjNamespace. |
baseName |
This name is suffixed to prefixName to create the actual name of a BBjNamespace. |
createIfNeeded |
Indication of whether a new Variable Domain should be created if one does not already exist. 0 = An error will be generated if the Variable Domain does not already exist. 1 = A new Variable Domain will be created if one does not already exist. |
Return Value
Returns a generic BBjNamespace that has the name prefixName + "." + baseName.
The name of a BBjNamespace consists of two parts: the prefix and the suffix. The full name of a BBjNamespace is prefix + "." + suffix. The prefix and the suffix may be any non-empty string consisting of printable characters that begins with a letter and contains no white space. A prefix that is not likely to be used by others should be used. For example, BASIS often uses the prefix "basis.eng.test"
If a program makes multiple calls to getNamespace() using the same prefixName and baseName, then each call returns the same BBjNamespace.
Executing the getName() method
on the returned BBjNamespace returns the Namespace name that can be subsequently
used with the getNamespace and getExistingNamespace methods.
See Also
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.