In BBj 7.00 and higher, the BBjDataBoundGrid is a grid that can be bound to a BBjRecordSet. The selected row of the BBjDataBoundGrid is always the current record of its bound BBjRecordSet. Changes of the values in the BBjRecordSet are reflected in the BBjDataBoundGrid and edits that occur in the selected row of the BBjDataBoundGrid are reflected as changes in the current record of the BBjRecordSet. BBjDataBoundGrid extends the class BBjGrid.
Implemented Interfaces
CommonGrid, Focusable, MouseWheelEnabled, SimpleRecordSetBindable,TabTraversable
BBjAPI > BBjSysGui > BBjWindow > BBjDataBoundGrid
A BBjDataBoundGrid object is created through the following BBjWindow method:
Return Value |
Method |
BBjDataBoundGrid |
addDataBoundGrid(int ID, number x, number y, number width, number height) |
BBjDataBoundGrid |
addDataBoundGrid(int ID, number x, number y, number width, number height, string flags) |
Methods of BBjDataBoundGrid
Return Value |
Method |
void |
bindRecordSet(BBjRecordSet recordset) |
void |
bindRecordSet(BBjRecordSet recordset, BBjVector fieldnames) |
void |
Methods of BBjDataBoundGrid inherited from BBjGrid
Methods of BBjDataBoundGrid inherited from BBjControl
Methods of BBjDataBoundGrid implemented for CommonGrid
Return Value |
Method |
void |
endEdit() |
void |
endEdit(int suppress) |
int |
getColumnStyle(int column) |
int |
void |
setColumnStyle(int column, int style) |
void |
setDefaultGridStyle(int style) |
void |
startEdit(int row, int col) |
Methods of BBjDataBoundGrid implemented for Focusable
Return Value | Method |
boolean | isFocusable() |
void | setFocusable(boolean focus) |
Methods of BBjDataBoundGrid implemented for MouseWheelEnabled
Return Value | Method |
int | getScrollWheelBehavior() |
void | setScrollWheelBehavior(int trav) |
Methods of BBjDataBoundGrid implemented for SimpleRecordSetBindable
Return Value | Method |
BBjRecordSet | getBoundRecordSet() |
void | unbindRecordSet() |
Methods of BBjDataBoundGrid implemented for TabTraversable
Return Value | Method |
boolean | isTabTraversable() |
void | setTabTraversable(boolean trav) |
Callback Code |
Object-oriented Event |
Read Record Event |
Code |
N/A |
x |
BBjDataBoundGrid also generates all the events of a BBjGrid except ON_GRID_HIT_BOTTOM, ON_GRID_HIT_TOP, ON_GRID_TOP_ROW_CHANGE, and ON_GRID_UPDATE.
Clicking in a cell that is not in the currently selected row the BBjDataBoundGrid will generate a DBGridRowChangeRequestEvent but it will not change the currently selected row. The program must examine the DBGridRowChangeRequestEvent and call the method BBjRecordSet::moveToRecord() to change the current record of the BBjRecordSet. Changing the current record of the BBjRecordSet will cause the selected row of the BBjDBGrid to change.
See Also
BBj Object Creation and Assignment
CALLBACK Verb - Register BBj Subroutine
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.