Get Context - SENDMSG() Function 20
This version of the SENDMSG() function returns a two-byte string, which, when used with DEC(), results in the context value of the id-specified child window (or if 0 is used, the current window). Set the int parameter to 0 to specify the child window or specify the ID of the current window.
Parameter |
Description |
sysgui |
Valid SYSGUI channel. |
id |
Child window ID, or if 0 is used, the current window. |
20 |
SENDMSG function number. |
0 |
Always 0. |
$$ |
Always null. |
The following returns the context for the child window that has an ID of 10:
Use DEC(CONTEXT$) for the window's numeric context value. If the id parameter specifies an ID that does not pertain to a child window or 0 for a top-level window, an !ERROR=17 is generated.