LET Verb - BBj


For this topic's original documentation, see LET Verb.

BBj-Specific Information


LET objarray=objarray

LET objarray=objexpr


Object variables and object arrays can be used in BBj anywhere you would use traditional (numeric and string) variables and arrays.

Object Array Assignment from an Object Array


The original contents of the object array, A![], are lost and are replaced with the contents of the X![] array. In performing the copy, each element of X![] is cloned; there is no ongoing linkage between corresponding elements of the two arrays.

Object Array Assignment from a Java Array

>LET Locale![]=java.util.GregorianCalendar.getAvailableLocales()

The original contents of the object array, Locale![], are lost and are replaced with the contents of the Java array from java.util.GregorianCalendar.getAvailableLocales().

For a detailed description of BBj and objects, see Object Variables.