Creation Path
In BBj 3.02 and higher, the BBjBatch object is deprecated and replaced with BBjAPI::getConfig().suppressUIAckBack(1), which is no-op'd in BBj 5.0 and higher.
The BBjBatch object is used to create and submit a batch of CTRL() and/or SENDMSG() functions in a thin client environment.
A BBjBatch object is created through the following BBjSysGui method:
Return Value |
Method |
BBjBatch |
Methods of BBjBatch
Return Value |
Method |
void |
addCtrl(int controlID, int function) |
void |
addCtrl(int controlID, int function, int contextID) |
void |
addSendMsg(int objectID, int messageID, int argument, string argument) |
void |
addSendMsg(int objectID, int messageID, int argument, string argument, int contextID) |
void |
clearAll() |
string |
getResponse(int) |
void |
The SysGui batch feature can be used to reduce the number of network delays when a BBj application is run in a distributed environment.
See Also
BBj Object Creation and Assignment
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.