Creates an edit control in the BBjWindow that accepts numeric values.
Return Value |
Method |
BBjInputN |
addInputN() |
addInputN(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags, string mask, string rules, float restore, float value) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(int ID) |
addInputN(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags) |
addInputN(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags, string mask) |
addInputN(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags, string mask, string rules) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(int ID, string flags) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(int ID, string flags, string mask) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(int ID, string flags, string mask, string rules) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(int ID, string flags, string mask, string rules, int restore, int value) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(string flags) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(string flags, string mask) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(string flags, string mask, string rules) |
BBjInputN |
addInputN(string flags, string mask, string rules, int restore, int value) |
Variable |
Description |
ID |
INPUTN control ID. |
x |
Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the INPUTN control. |
y |
Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the INPUTN control. |
w |
Width of the INPUTN control. |
h |
Height of the INPUTN control. To create a standard size control, set the h parameter to 0. |
flags |
Control flags, as follows:
mask |
Output mask. If the "0" mask is used and SETOPTS byte 2, bit $80$ is set, it will not be possible to insert values. Either disable the SETOPTS bit or use the "#" mask. |
rules |
Input rules. If null, the value in STBL("!IRULES") is used as a default. The mask$ is used to generated the edit mask, which uses "#", "0", and "." mask characters.
restore |
Restore value. |
value |
Default value. |
Return Value
This method returns the created BBjInputN object.
Accepts user input in a manner similar to the INPUTN verb.
If the ID parameter is not specified, a control ID is assigned dynamically using getAvailableControlID().
If the x, y, width, and height parameters are not specified, they're all initialized to 0. This is typically for use with DWC windows that dynamically arrange their contents (window creation flag $00100000$).
See Also
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.