FONT Mnemonic - Set Plotter Text Font

BBj-Specific Information

For this topic's original documentation, see the FONT Mnemonic - Set Plotter Text Font

The 'FONT' mnemonic selects the font to be used by the current text tool. A .sft file is no longer needed to use fonts in the plotter device. The plotter FONT mnemonic is almost identical to the SYSGUI FONT mnemonic.




Defines the SYSPLOT window drawing surface for font selection.


Name of the font family. To use the current font family, use an empty string (""). This allows only the size or style to be changed. On all systems, five family names behave the same everywhere. These five "portable" font family names are "fixed", "helvetica", "courier", "system", and "times" (lower case only). Any valid font family name for the GUI system in use may be used, such as "Courier New" under MS Windows, but these may not work without modification when moved to other platforms supporting Visual PRO/5.


Desired point size. To keep the current point size, use -1. This allows only the font family or style to be changed.


A bit-masked integer (passed as an integer, not as a string). The logic operator OR can be used to make a combination of valid style bits or -1 can be used to keep the same style and change only the current font family name or size. (Note that the "system" font is implicitly bold.) The valid style bits are:

Style  Bit

Bold  $01$

Italic  $02$

Fonts available for the plotter are the same as those available for SYSGUI.

See Also

Mnemonics - Alphabetical Listing

Mnemonics - Group Listing