Enterprise Manager Java App: Web Service Configuration
In BBj 13.0 and higher, the Enterprise Manager Java app has been superseded by a new browser Enterprise Manager and Eclipse plug-in. See Enterprise Manager - Web Services Configuration.
In BBj 10.0 and higher, the Enterprise Manager introduces Web Service Configuration.
Web Service Configuration
The Web Service Configuration screen displays all currently configured Web Services.
New Service | Create a new Web Service. |
Edit Service | Edit an existing Service. |
Delete Service | Delete the selected Service. |
Publish Service | After creating a new service, it must be published to the Webserver. Services are published automatically published when BBj starts. |
Web Service Methods
The Web Service Methods screen displays the details necessary for running your application, as well as a list of all methods published by this Web Service.
Name | Name of the Web Service. |
Working Directory | Starting directory of BBj Service. |
Config File | Config file to use for running the Web Service's interpreter. |
Namespace | The namespace under which the Web Service will be published. |
Methods | List of methods provided by this Web Service. |
New Method | Create a new method on this Web Service. |
Edit Method | Edit an existing method on this Web Service. |
Delete Method | Remove a method from this Web Service. |
OK | Accept changes to the Web Service. |
Edit Method
Edit the details of a specific Web Service method.
Name | Name of the method. |
Call | Filename and label of program to call when this method is invoked. |
Return Index | The zero based index of which call parameter to return. |
Argument Table | A list of types, one type for each call parameter. The parameter to return is selected by checkbox. |
BBj String | Add a BBjString to the list of parameters. |
BBjNumber | Add a BBjNumber to the list of parameters. |
BBjInt | Add a BBjInt to the list of parameters. |
Java Type | Add a Java Type to the list of parameters. For example: java.util.ArrayList |
Generated BBj Call | The call that will execute your program when the Web Service is invoked. |
Generated Java Call | The call that will appear on the public Web Service interface when the Web Service is published. |
OK | Accept changes to the Web Service. |
See Also
From Legacy to Enterprise With BBj Web Services