!ERROR=46 - Invalid String Size
The length of the string is invalid.
Executing SETDAY with a string length other than 8.
Executing the ASC() function with a null argument (the string length equals zero).
Using the TBL() function with a null table length.
When the KEY= option has a string longer than the defined key size for that file.
Failure to locate key in data record of an MKEYED file because of field number or field length problems.
String template field descriptor too long. Each individual field in a template is allowed up to 255 bytes for a description. This limit is exceeded only when the user-defined attributes are too long.
Template field name too long.
String argument for UPK() is too long/short.
String name in STBL() is too long/short.
INPUTE pad character is more than one byte.
A CISAM verb was executed with a bad key definition.