Installing PRO/5 and PRO/5 Data Server 2.10-18.x — UNIX
Use this guide for installing PRO/5 and PRO/5 Data Server versions 2.10
to 18.x. For other versions of PRO/5, see Installing
PRO/5. For BBj, see Installing
Part 1: Installing and Setting up the BASIS License Manager
Part 2: Installing BASIS Products
Part 4: Configuring the PRO/5 Data Server
Part 5: Changing the Product Pointer File
Part 6: Emergency Licensing Procedures
Part 7: Important Licensing Terms
Process Description
The overall process of installing these UNIX-based BASIS products requires:
Installing and setting up the BASIS License Manager (BLM).
Installing and configuring the BASIS Products.
This document contains the procedures for accomplishing this process and for obtaining temporary licenses in the event of an emergency. Part 7 explains some important terms concerning BASIS licenses.
Part 1: Installing and Setting Up the BASIS License Manager
The BASIS License Manager is required for PRO/5. See Installing the BLM for BASIS License Manager installation instructions.
If you have already downloaded BBj 18.00 or higher, you do not need to download this version of the BLM because it is included in your BBj download.
Part 2: Installing BASIS Products
Obtain the appropriate product archive file for the product you want to install.
From, select Products from the navigation bar at the top of the page, then select Downloads from the navigation bar on the left. Select the product you wish to install, and complete the form to download the appropriate port. -
Uncompress/extract the product archive file:
Place the .Z or .gz file in your BASIS product directory.
For a .Z file, use the command "uncompress <filename>.Z", then extract the files with the UNIX tar command "tar xvf <filename>.tar".
For a .gz file, extract the files with the gunzip utility: "gunzip <filename>.gz". -
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each product you want to install.
You have completed the first part of installing the BASIS product and must now configure it. Continue with Part 3 or Part 4 to configure your product.
Part 3: Configuring PRO/5
From your BASIS product directory, type:
Type the following:
Press Enter and accept the license agreement to continue.
Type the following:
Choose whether to install the version of PRO/5 with SQL capabilities or the version without SQL capabilities.
Type the following:
Specify the name of the machine on which the BLM is running. PRO/5 will attempt to request a license from this machine before it starts to run. If you have not completed Part 1 to set up the BLM and install a PRO/5 product license, you can run PRO/5, but you will be nagged every 15 to 30 minutes.
A pointer file, BASIS.lic, is automatically created during installation of the product. If you change the machine on which the BLM is running, you must also change the product's pointer file to specify the new server name. Part 7 explains how to do this.
If you wish, you can use the CONFIG option in the PRO/5 install menu to interactively build a configuration file (config.bbx) for PRO/5.
You have completed installing and configuring the PRO/5 product. You are ready to run your PRO/5 product.
Part 4: Configuring the PRO/5 Data Server
From the BASIS product directory, type the following:
Type the following:
Type the following:
You have completed installing and configuring the PRO/5 Data Server product. You are ready to run your PRO/5 Data Server product.
Part 5: Changing the Product Pointer File
The BASIS.lic pointer file is automatically created during product installation. If you change the machine on which the BLM is running, you must also change the individual product's pointer file to specify the new server name. This can be done two ways:
Method 1
From your BASIS product directory, type the following:
Type the following:
Type the following:
Change the server name to the name of the machine on which the BLM is running.
Method 2
In the PRO/5 directory, edit the BASIS.lic file using any text editor.
Change the server name:
Where servername is specified, make sure that it is the host name of the machine that is running the BLM. Be aware of the case of the text. The key words SERVER, ANY and USE_SERVER must be uppercase.
Save the revised file as BASIS.lic
Part 6: Emergency Licensing Procedures
Emergency Licenses
In the event that your BASIS License Manager server has crashed, simply register for a new license from your replacement machine with your existing Serial Number and Authorization Number. With BASIS’ Perpetual Self Healing licenses, there is no need for a license reset.
If you do not have your Serial Number or Authorization number they can be retrieved from your b-commerce account here.
If you are unable to access your b-commerce account, proceed here.
Evaluation Licenses
See Evaluation
Licenses for information on requesting an evaluation license.
to top)
Part 7: Important Licensing Terms
License Manager - a FLEXlm/FLEXnet term for the application that tracks the number of counted licenses in a network and which machines in the network are using those licenses at any one time. A license manager coordinates the issuing of these licenses to requesting clients at any given moment. See BASIS License Manager.
BASIS License Manager - BASIS' version of the FLEXlm/FLEXnet license manager. The BLM software may be installed on the same server as the product(s) or on a dedicated license server machine. In the FLEXlm/FLEXnet manual, available in our online documentation at, the BLM is what FLEXlm/FLEXnet calls a "vendor daemon." See License Manager.
Unlicensed (nag) mode - displays a screen reporting a BASIS product cannot find a valid license every 15 to 30 minutes. . Users can continue to work when the product is in "nag mode." Emergency licenses are available that do not show this screen.