Installing BBj 10.x and Higher - UNIX CUI

Follow these instructions for installing BBj on a UNIX character-based environment.

See Installing BBj 10.x and Higher - GUI for installing BBj in a Windows, Mac, or UNIX GUI environment.

See Installing BBj - Overview for installing earlier versions of BBj.

Install BBj

  1. Visit to download BBj. Select the product revision and feature package you wish to download, and complete the required fields.

  2. The download will arrive in the form of an executable Java archive (.jar) file named in the following format: BBj<revision><date_time>.jar

    Example: BBjBaristaAddonDemos1802_06-11-2018_0950.jar

  3. Initialize the installations:

    • If Java file associations differ and do not run the file automatically, execute the following so that Java runs the file:

      %JAVAHOME%/bin/java -jar <jar_file_name>

    • Example:
      java -jar BBjBaristaAddonIDE1611_08-26-2016_1622.jar

  4. The Language Selection panel appears. Enter the number corresponding to the language you wish to run the installer in.

    Language Selection
    Press 1 for Continue, Press 4 for Exit [1]
    Select the language and desired response file configuration. 
    A response file contains the answers to the various screens 
    presented during this process and variables that can affect 
    how to run the wizards.
    Language Selection:
    [X] 1 - English
    [ ] 2 - French
    [ ] 3 - German
    [ ] 4 - Italian
    [ ] 5 - Spanish
    [ ] 6 - Swedish
    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  5. Next you will see prompts for the response file, with the following options:

    1. Record? — typing "yes" to this feature will record the installation so that it can later be played back in an interactive installation or a silent install, where no user interaction is needed.

    2. Playback? — typing "yes" to this feature will prompt you for the location of a previously recorded response file.

    Response File
    Record? [yes] no
    Playback? [no] yes
    Location: /stable/test/BASIS/

    Press 1 for Next, Press 4 for Exit [1]

  6. Next you will see the welcome panel. Press 1 for Next.

    Welcome to the installation wizard.
    BASIS Products 16.11
    BASIS International Ltd.

    Press 1 for Next, Press 2 for Previous, Press 4 for Exit [1]

  7. The End User License Agreement (EULA) pages will appear. Please review the agreement. If you agree with the terms select option "1", then select Next.

  8. The Directory Selection panel appears. Select Next to accept the default installation path, or provide a new path to install BBj to.
    As of BBj 19.12, the default installation directories are as follows:
    Windows: C:\bbx
    macOS: /Applications/bbx
    Other operating systems: /usr/local/bbx

    Once you have selected the desired path to install BBj, select Next.

  9. The JVM Selection panel appears. As stated above, a Java Development Kit (JDK) is required to enable the full scope of BBj features. If the panel does not display a JDK, enter the path of the JDK install directory. If no JDK is available on the system you may want to cancel the installation at this point to install a JDK. Select Next.

    JVM Selection
    If you have a 64-bit OS and JVM installed, take advantage of this performance enhancing technology.

    The installation program selected the following JVM:
    JVM Version: 1.8.0_102
    JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
    JVM Bit Level: 64-bit
    Current Java home directory:

  10. The Installation Type Selection panel is displayed. Choose Typical to install all of the features included in the installation package or choose Custom to select/deselect features to install. After selecting Next, the Custom Installer Feature Selection panel will appear if you chose Custom. 

    Installation Type Selection
    Choose the installation type that best fits your needs.

    [X] 1 - Typical
    The program will be installed with the suggested configuration.
    Recommended for most users.
    [ ] 2 - Custom
    The program will be installed with the features you choose.
    Recommended for advanced users.
    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

    Press 1 for Next, Press 2 for Previous, Press 4 for Exit [1].

  11. The Configure Web Start panel appears. You are prompted with:
    Make installation available to Web Start clients?
    Responding yes to this option will enable BBj to host Web Start installations to other systems on the network. Web Start installations of this type are handy for installing the ODBC driver and standard thin client on multiple client systems.


    Selecting yes here will double the size of the disk space for the installation.

    Configure Web Start
    Make installer available to Web Start clients? [no]

  12. The Certificate Selection panel appears. Choose Trust BASIS International Ltd. to generate a certificate for Web Start to configure BBj to use an existing certificate. Select Next.

    Certificate Selection
    Oracle's Web Start security model blocks applications that are not signed
    with a security certificate. In order to adhere to this security model,
    you must either trust your software provider to generate a security
    certificate or obtain your own certificate from a Certificate Authority

    [X] 1 - Trust BASIS International Ltd. to generate a certificate for Web Start
    [ ] 2 - Use an existing certificate for Web start
    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  13. The Generate Web Start Certificate panel appears (if the Trust BASIS option was chosen in the previous dialog). Enter the appropriate company name in the Company Name field. This name will be visible to the Web Start clients when Web Start applications are first launched.

    Generate Web Start Certificate
    Enter the following required information to generate a security certificate
    for Web Start.
    Your Company Name:
    Enter text that identifies your organization. Web Start will require clients
    to trust applications based on this text in order to run the first time.
    [] Massive Dynamics Inc.
    Jetty Host (external):
    Enter this server's hostname or IP address as seen by your clients. Do not 
    use 'localhost' or a local IP address if clients on other computers will use 
    Web Start to run applications on this server.

    [X] 1 - server1
    [ ] 2 - fe80:0:0:0:c0ff:1f72:1f72%eth0
    [ ] 3 -
    [ ] 4 - 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo
    [ ] 5 -
    [ ] 6 - Enter value
    To  select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished [0]

  14. The Installation Summary panel appears, summarizing the options chosen in the previous panels and the amount of disk space that will be consumed. Select Next to start the installation.

    The following location was selected for installation:

    For a total size:
      1672.8 MB

    With the following features:
        BASIS Product Suite
            Admin Tools
            Additional Developer Tools
          BASIS License Manager
          Eclipse Links
          Web Start Installation

        Press Enter to read the text [Type q to quit]
    Press 1 for Next, Press 2 for Previous, Press 4 for Exit [1]

  15. The Installation Progress panel displays as BBj is being installed.

    Installation Progress
    Installing BASIS Products:
    0%         25%         50%            75%        100%

  16. The Select Licensing Option panel appears, with three options:

    1. Retrieve a license — Choose this option to register for a new license (serial and authorization number will be needed) or to register for a demo license.

    2. Install a license — Choose this option to install an existing license.

    3. Designate a BASIS License Manager — Choose this option to designate an existing BASIS License Manager, if one is already running on the network.

    Select Licensing Option
    Press 1 for Continue, Press 4 for Exit [1]
    Welcome to the BASIS License Registration Wizard.
    This wizard will assist you in registering for and installing a
    BASIS Product License.
    Please read all instructions carefully to ensure the fastest and
    most accurate response from the BASIS automatic registration response

    [X] 1 - Retrieve a license
    [ ] 2 - Install a license
    [ ] 3 - Designate a BASIS License Manager
    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  17. If the first option was chosen in the panel above, the Register for a License dialog appears. Complete the contact information fields. Select Next.

  18. The License Registration Information dialog appears. There are two options:

    1. Select Requesting a 5-day 5-user evaluation license to register for a demo license.

    2. Enter a valid Serial Number and Authorization Number to receive a permanent license for this server.

    In both cases above, the Host Name and Host ID fields will be automatically filled and should not be modified unless instructed to do so by BASIS support. Select Next.

    License Registration Information
    Press 1 for Continue, Press 2 for Previous, Press 3 for Skip, 
    Press 4 for Exit [1]
    Please enter your product Serial and Authorization Number.
    Requesting a 30-day evaluation license? [yes]
    This is a notebook computer? [yes]
    Product License Information
    Serial Number:[BBX000001]
    Auth Number:[9999999999]
    User Count:[7]
    Host Name:[server1]
    Host ID:[COMPOSITE=44E044AD6944]

    Press 1 for Next, Press 2 for Previous, Press 4 for Exit [1]

  19. The License Registration and Delivery Methods dialog appears. Registration and Delivery Methods available:

    1. Register and install a license automatically — Preferred method. Requests and installs the license automatically.

    2. Web browser — Submits or receives the license via http.

    3. E-mail — Submits or receives the license via email.

    4. Other — Save the license request to a file that can be emailed later from a system that has internet access.

    License Registration and Delivery Methods
    Press 1 for Continue, Press 2 for Previous, Press 3 for Skip,
    Press 4 for Exit [1]
    Automatic Licensing
    Register and install a license automatically? [yes]

    Press 1 for Next, Press 2 for Previous, Press 4 for Exit [1]

  20. The Configure BLM Startup dialog appears. Two options are available:

    1. Configure the BLM to run automatically — Adds the BLM to the system startup. The BLM will start automatically after reboot. You need to be logged in as a root-level user to modify the system startup routines. You will be prompted for the user account and password to accomplish this process.

    2. Configure the BLM to run manually — Choosing this option will skip all BLM configuration. The BLM must be manually started via the Admin utility.

    Configure BLM Startup
    Press 1 for Continue, Press 2 for Previous, Press 3 for Skip,
    Press 4 for Exit [1]

    Specify how the BLM should run.
    Enter the user account  that the BLM will use to run:
    User Account:[test]

    [X] 1 - Configure the BLM to run automatically.
    [ ] 2 - Configure the BLM to run manually.
    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  21. The Stop/Start the BASIS License Manager panel appears — Select the option to "Start the BASIS License Manager".

    Stop/Start the BASIS License Manager
    Press 1 for Continue, Press 2 for Previous, Press 3 for Skip,
    Press 4 for Exit [1]
    This BASIS License Manager Wizard allows you to stop or start the BASIS
    License Manager.
    Warning: Only one BLM may be running. BASIS suggests shutting down any
    previously installed BLM and uninstalling it before starting this new
    BLM. Please move all license files from the old BLM to the BLM directory
    <InstallDir>/blm or use the Install License Wizard from the Admin tool
    to reinstall the old licenses.
    Please select one of the following options:

    [X] 1 - Start the BASIS License Manager
    [ ] 2 - Stop the BASIS License Manager
    [ ] 3 - Restart the BASIS License Manager
    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  22. The Configure BBjServices Startup panel appears with two options for configuring BBjServices:

    1. Automatically — Primarily used in a production environment, this option adds the start of BBjServices to the system startup. Complete the User Account and Password fields that BBjServices should use to start. Note: The user with permissions to add the process to the system startup is needed.

    2. Manually — Primarily used in development environments, this option starts BBjServices for the current logged-in user.

    Configure BBjServices Startup
    Press 1 for Continue, Press 2 for Previous, Press 3 for Skip,
    Press 4 for Exit [1]
    Configure how BBjServices should run:
    Enter the user account that BBjServices will use to run:
    User Account:[test]

    [X] 1 - Automatically
    [ ] 2 - Manually
    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  23. The Start/Stop BBjServices panel appears — select Start BBjServices.

    Start/Stop BBjServices
    Press 1 for Continue, Press 2 for Previous, Press 3 for Skip,
    Press 4 for Exit [1]
    This BBjServices Wizard allows you to stop or start the BBjServices.
    Warning: Only one BBjServices may be run on this machine. Please shutdown
    and uninstall the old BBjServices before starting this new install of
    Please select one of the following options:

    [X] 1 - Start BBjServices
    [ ] 2 - Stop BBjServices
    [ ] 3 - Restart BBjServices
    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  24. You have finished the installation of BBj.

    Wizard Process Complete
    Press 1 for Continue [1]
    The wizard process is now complete.
    BBj Web Start installation: http://spiderman:8888/install/install.jnlp
    ODBC Web Start installation: http://spiderman:8888/install/installodbc.jnlp
    Thank you for choosing BASIS International Ltd.!