
ResCompiler has been superseded. See Converting .brc Files to .arc Format instead.

ResCompiler is a stand-alone executable that "compiles" an ASCII Resource file (.arc) into a BASIS Resource file (.brf).

Using ResCompiler - Describes the general steps for using ResCompiler.

Resource File Contents and Structure - Describes the contents and organization of resource files.

Property Types - Information for setting the flag, color, font, and justification properties used by windows and controls.

Defining Window Resources - Provides information for creating and defining window resources, including event masks and status bars.

Defining Menu Resources - Provides information for creating menu resources.

Defining Child Window Resources - Provides information for creating child window resources.

Defining Control Resources - Provides information for creating controls such as buttons, grids, list boxes, and scroll bars.

Preprocessor Commands - Defines and describes the ResCompiler preprocessor commands.

Predefined Constants - Provides ResCompiler constant information.

Running ResCompiler - Describes how to run ResCompiler, including the use of command line options.

Error Messages - Identifies and describes the error messages generated by ResCompiler.