resicon.pngResBuilder Properties

For BBj-specific information, see BBj Resbuilder Properties.

Click a control type to display a description of its properties that can be set in the Properties and Set Default Value property sheets. (This topic can be displayed by clicking anywhere within the Value column and pressing F1.)


Child Window




Check Box

Custom Edit



Group Box


INPUTD (BBj only)




List Box

List Button

List Edit

Navigator (BBj only)

Progress Bar (BBj only)

Popup Menu (BBj only)

Radio Button

Record Set (BBj only)

Scroll Bar

Static Text


Tool Button

Tree (BBj only)

Note: In all controls except tab, grid, INPUTN and INPUTE, Visual PRO/5 interprets \t and \n in text property entries as a tab and a new line, respectively. To insert a backslash character, use \\.

For BBj-specific controls, see Progress Bar Control Properties,Tree Control Properties,BBjINPUTD Control Properties,BBjNavigator Control Properties.BBj Popup Menu, and BBj Record Set Control Properties.

Button Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a button control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.


Button text.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Foreground color. Static.

Back color

Background color. Static.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.


Justifies text. It can be centered, left justified, right justified, or set to the system default.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Check Box Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a check box control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.


Check box text.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Height of the control.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.


Justifies text. It can be centered, left justified, right justified, or set to the system default.

Text left

Positions text to the left of the check box.


Sets the check box initially to checked.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Read-only (BBj)

Sets the control initially to read-only.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Sets only when the record set value is not 0 and specifies the record set field with which to associate the control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Child Window Properties

Properties pertaining to child window created

Property Description


Text to display on the title bar.

Control ID

Sets the child window ID number. The number must be an integer between 100 and 32767 but cannot be the same as other controls or child windows in a top-level window.


Sets the name of the child window.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Child window width.


Child window height.

Fore color

Child window foreground color.

Back color

Child window background color.

Default font

Child window default font.

Current units

Current units for the child window and its contained resources. The options are pixels, chars, or semichars.

Docking position

Attaches the child window to the top, bottom, right, or left of the parent window.


Click here to display child window flag descriptions.

Event mask

Click here to display child window event descriptions.

Custom Edit Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a custom edit control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

Initial contents

Text to be initially displayed in the control.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In Group

Sets the control to belong to a group.


Click here to display custom edit flag descriptions .

Max par length

Maximum number of characters allowed in each paragraph in the control. If this value is left at the default value of zero, the Max Par Length will be 500.


Sets the control initially to read-only. Visual PRO/5 3.12 or higher.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Sets only when the record set value is not 0 and specifies the record set field with which to associate the control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Note that if all values for x, y, w, and h are 0 in this mnemonic, then the edit control will be made to fill the window.

Edit Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as an edit control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

Initial contents

Text to be initially displayed in the control.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.


Justifies text. Centered and right-justified edit control text is possible only in Windows NT 4.0.

Pass home/del

Passes the <Home> and <Delete> keys as Keypress Notify events.

Password entry

Replaces input text with asterisks.


Sets the control to be initially read-only (Visual PRO/5 Rev 3.12 or later).

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Sets only when the record set value is not 0 and specifies the record set field with which to associate the control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Grid Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a grid control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.


Control text.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In Group

Sets the control to belong to a group.

Num rows

Number of rows in the grid.

Row height

Grid row height.

Num columns

Number of columns in the grid.

Column prop

Click here to display grid column properties.

Row head

Includes a row heading grid.

Row head ID

Row heading grid ID (enabled only if Row Head is checked).

Row head width

Row heading grid width (enabled only if Row Head is checked).

Col head

Includes a column heading grid.

Col head ID

Column heading grid ID (enabled only if Col Head is checked).

Col head height

Column heading grid height (enabled only if Col Head is checked).

Col lines

Displays column separation lines

Row lines

Displays row separation lines

Max cols

Maximum number of grid columns.

Allow col resize

Allows users to resize grid columns.

Horiz scroll

Includes a horizontal scrollbar.

Vert scroll

Includes a vertical scrollbar.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Group Box Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a group box control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.


Sets the group box title text.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Image Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as an image. This is set by ResBuilder when the image is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Sets the name of the image.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the image.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the image.


Image width.


Image height.

Grab palette

Places colors used to display the image into the current palette, possibly replacing colors used by other applications.

Image file

Sets the path to the image file

Image List Properties

Property Description


Sets the name of the image list.

Image list ID

Image list ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Sets the name of the image.

Image list file

Sets the path to the image file

INPUTE Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as an INPUTE control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

Initial contents

Text to be initially displayed in the control.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Height of the control.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.

Restore string

Sets the restore string.

Initial position

Sets the initial cursor position.

Pass enter

Passes the Enter key to the parent window.

Pass tab

Passes the Tab key to the parent window.


Sets the input mask.

Max length

Sets the maximum length of the input string.

Pad char

Sets the pad character.


Prompts non-mouse events on the control to highlight the control's text.


Sets the control to be initially read-only (Visual PRO/5 Rev 3.12 or later).

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Sets only when the record set value is not 0 and specifies the record set field with which to associate the control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

INPUTN Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as an INPUTN control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

Initial value

Value to be initially displayed in the control.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.

Restore value

Sets the restore string value.

Initial position

Sets the initial cursor position.

Pass enter

Passes the Enter key to the parent window.

Pass tab

Passes the Tab key to the parent window.


Sets the input mask.


Sounds a beep upon entry of invalid data.


Causes the control to copy commas.

Use decimal

Causes the control to replace decimal characters.


Prompts non-mouse events on the control to highlight the control's text.


Sets the control to be initially read-only (Visual PRO/5 Rev 3.12 or later).

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Sets only when the record set value is not 0 and specifies the record set field with which to associate the control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Line Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a line. This is set by ResBuilder when the line is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the line.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the line.


Line width (horizontal line only).


Line height (vertical line only).

List Box Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a list box control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

Initial contents

Text to be initially displayed in the control.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control font and scroll bar color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.

Multiple select

Permits the control to accept multiple selections.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Read-only (BBj)

Sets the control initially to read-only. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Sets only when the record set value is not 0 and specifies the record set field with which to associate the control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Fill Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set used to populate the list control. Set to 0 for no record set. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Fill Field (BBj)

Can only be set when the fill record set is set to something other than 0. Specifies the record set field to populate the list control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

List Button Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a list button control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

Initial contents

Text to be initially displayed in the control.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Read-only (BBj)

Sets the control initially to read-only. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Sets only when the record set value is not 0 and specifies the record set field with which to associate the control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Fill Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set used to populate the list control. Set to 0 for no record set. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Fill Field (BBj)

Can only be set when the fill record set is set to something other than 0. Specifies the record set field to populate the list control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

List Edit Control Properties

Property Description



Control Type

Identifies the resource as a list edit control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

Initial contents

Text to be initially displayed in the control.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.


Justifies text. Centered, left-justified, right justified, or set to the system default.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Read-only (BBj)

Sets the control initially to read-only. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Can only be set when the record set is set to something other than 0. Specifies the record set field to associate the control with. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Fill Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set used to populate the list control. Set to 0 for no record set. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Fill Field (BBj)

Can only be set when the fill record set is set to something other than 0. Specifies the record set field to populate the list control. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Menu Properties

Property Description

Menu text

Sets the text that appears on the menu. To include text that identifies the accelerator key (for example Ctrl+X),.type \t and enter the text.


Sets the menu name

Menu ID

Sets the menu ID.

Radio Button Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a radio button control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.


Radio button text

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.


Justifies text. It can be centered, left-justified, right justified, or set to the system default.

Button group

Includes the radio button in a button group.

Text left

Displays the text to the left of the check box.


Sets the check box initially to checked.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Read-only (BBj)

Sets the control initially to read-only. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Scroll Bar Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a scroll bar control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control width.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Static Text Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a static text control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.


Sets the control text.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color.

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.


Justifies text. It can be centered, left-justified, right justified, or set to the system default.

No wrap

Prevents text from wrapping.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Bound Record Set (BBj)

ID of record set associated with the control. Set to 0 for no record set association. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Record Field (BBj)

Can only be set when the record set is set to something other than 0. Specifies the record set field to associate the control with. BBj 4.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Tab Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a tab control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Height of the control.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.


Control font.

Has image list

Identifies that the control has an image list

Image list ID

Image list ID (disabled unless Has Image List is checked).

Initial tab

Number of the tab that begins the display.

Vertical pad

Additional vertical spacing between tab rows.

Horizontal pad

Additional horizontal spacing between tabs.

Number of Tabs

Sets the number of flags for the control.


Click here to display tab flag descriptions.

Tab prop

Click here to display tab properties.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.

Tab traversable (BBj)

Sets the control to gain focus from keyboard navigation. BBj 4.00 and higher.

Tool Button Control Properties

Property Description

Control Type

Identifies the resource as a tool button control. This is set by ResBuilder when the control is created and cannot be changed.

Control ID

Control ID number. The number must be an integer between 1 and 32767 and be unique within a given top-level window.


Control name.

x Position

Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the control.

y Position

Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the control.


Control width.


Control height.

Fore color

Control foreground color

Back color

Control background color.


Control font.

Short cue

Displays tool tip text when positioning the mouse over the control.

Long cue

Displays status bar text when positioning the mouse over the control.


Sets the control initally to disabled.


Sets the control initally to invisible.

Client edge

Draws a recessed edge around the control.

Raised edge

Draws a raised edge around the control.

In group

Sets the control to belong to a group.

Face type

Sets the face of the tool button to either display text or a bitmap image.


Text to be displayed on the tool button.


Justifies text. It can be centered, left-justified, right justified, or set to the system default.


Sets the tool button to be initially pressed.


Sets the tool button to perform as a "click on, click off" toggle button.

Popup menu ID (BBj)

ID of a popup menu to be attached to the control. Set to 0 for no popup menu. BBj 3.00 and higher only. Visual PRO/5 ignores this property.

Opaque (BBj)

Prevents items located underneath the control from showing through. These items may be graphical objects on the top-level form. BBj 4.00 and higher only.