Enterprise Manager — Getting Started

To view this topic for the preceding Enterprise Manager, see Using The Enterprise Manager Java App.

The Enterprise Manager allows for simultaneous open connections to any number of machines.

Log in

To connect to a machine running BBjServices, log in using the Enterprise Manager Login dialog in one of two methods - through the browser or through Eclipse BASIS Enterprise Manager plug-in. Follow along for instructions to log in from a browser. To use the BASIS Eclipse plug-ins, visit https://www.basis.cloud/eclipseplug-ins.

Launch From a Browser

To access the Enterprise Manager from your browser, go to your <BASIS installation> program folder and click the Browser EM program icon

Alternatively, enter http://localhost:8888/bbjem/em into the address bar of any browser.

Double click “localhost” in the left navigation pane under the BBj EM Navigator tab.

Enter User Name and Password, and click [Login]:


The BBj EM Navigator pane and its options now appear for your selection. Click here for a description of each option.

Connect to a Remote System

A Connection login dialog window provides a quick and easy way to connect to servers that will be used more than once.

Click the green [+] at the top of the Navigator pane to open the Connection dialog window.

Complete the fields in the BBj Enterprise Manager Connection wizard

Specify a name for the connection

Specify the server host name and port number (usually 2002).

Click [OK].

Double click the new connection name or in this example, [My New Server].

Enter the username and password. The default administrator user is admin and default password is admin123.

Click [Login]. The connection information will be remembered each time you run the Browser Enterprise Manager.

Choose the connection from the list to connect using an existing connection definition.

   To remove the connection definitions from the list, highlight the connection and select the red [X].


Enterprise Manager Navigator

The BBj EM Navigator pane lists the various configuration settings into related groups: BBjServices, Security, File System, Database/SQL, Web, and Permissions.

To view or edit the settings in a particular group, simply double-click on that group in the Navigator to open a new window that displays the options. Below a table listing all the settings and their intended use.

Support / Troubleshooting
Send Support Files Send a set of files to BASIS when specifically requested by BASIS support or engineering staff.
Settings Set Trigger Configuration, Environment, Java Virtual Machine, Operating System, Table Analysis Queue Performance, BBjServices, Multi-tier Configuration, Thin Client Performance.
Java Settings Set Java Virtual Machine Settings.
Caches Clear cache(s).
Metrics Enable/Disable the metrics available at the determined Metrics Jetty Endpoint.
Licensing Monitor information about licenses and the BLS Machine.
Processes List of open processes.
Configuration History Track, compare, and revert changes made to the BBjServices configuration.
Servers List of BBj Servers i.e. Administration, Bridge, File System, and Web.
Log Files Access all Log files.
Event Handlers Enable and configure a variety of system event handlers by specifying a BBj program and/or an email service.
Email Services Configure outgoing SMTP clients to send emails from BBj or Java programs.
Scheduling Add, edit or create schedules of tasks.
Memory Usage Access to memory graph.
Settings Manage LDAP/Active Directory Authentication Settings, BBj Authentication Settings and General Authentication Settings.
2-Factor Authentication Set the 2FA method and enable which users it applies to.
Public/Private Keys Generate and invalidate a public/private key pair.
Users Setup user accounts and add user permissions.
Groups Setup security groups.
Authentication Tokens Create, invalidate, and manage active authentication tokens.
File System
Open Files Displays a list of open files.
File Open Stats Look at gathered information about each OPEN call.
Triggers Create, edit, and remove triggers on data files and tables.
Replication Jobs Add, edit, create and manage Replication Jobs.
Online Copy Jobs Add, edit, create and manage Online Copy Jobs.
Audit Logging Jobs Add, edit, create and manage Audit Logging Jobs.
Asynchronous Trigger Jobs Manage asynchronous trigger jobs to execute specified BBx programs upon write or remove operations on files and directories that the job is monitoring.
Document Indexes Manage document indexes to monitor one of more directories for any new or modified documents that match a set of filters.
Databases Add, edit, create and manage Databases.
SQL/SELECT Connections Add, edit, create and manage SQL/SELECT Connections.
Connection Pools Add, edit, create and manage Connection Pools.
Table Analysis Queue Manage table analysis.
Index Builders Monitor the progress or cancel the building of FULLTEXT indexes.
App Deployment
Applications Add, edit, and manage Applications.
Desktop App JREs Configure Java Runtime Environments for each client OS.
Global Settings Manage app deployment settings.
Web App Resources Manage images and CSS files for applications.
Demos Enable/Disable or edit the various Demos.
SSL Configurations Manage multiple SSL ports by configuring the SSL keystore(s).
Context Configuration Configure multiple contexts within the integrated Jetty Web Server.
SOAP Web Services Configuration Configure multiple settings for SOAP Web Services.