DATE() Function - Convert Julian to Calendar Date - BBj


DATE (num1{,num2} {:str}{,ERR=lineref})


For BBj- specific information, see the DATE() Function - BBj.

The DATE() function takes a Julian date and the optional time-of-day and formats it into a more familiar calendar date and time string.

Parameter Description
num1 Julian date.
num2 Time of day in SETTIME format (hours and fractional hours). If this parameter is not included, the current time is used.
str Output format of the result. If this parameter is not included, a "MM/DD/YY" type of date is produced.
ERR=lineref Branch to be taken if an error occurs during execution.

PRO/5 recognizes several format indicators that all begin with a "%", followed by a letter indicating which component of the date/time to insert (the portion of the date is substituted directly into str at the position in which its corresponding symbol appears):

Format Description
%Y Year
%M Month
%D Day
%H Hour (24-hour clock)
%h Hour (12-hour clock)
%m Minute
%s Second
%p AM/PM

An optional modifier can follow format indicators to describe more specific information:

Modifier Description
z Zero-fill
s Short text
l Long text
p Packed number (in CHR() form)
d Decimal (default format)

The following table provides examples of possible date combinations. Assume the date to be July 11, 1999 and the time to be 6:30 PM.

Format Default Packed Number Decimal Zero-fill Short Text Long Text
%Y 1999 CHR(99) 1999 99 1999 1999
%M 7 CHR(7) 7 07 Jul July
%D 11 CHR(11) 11 11 Sun Sunday
%H 18 CHR(18) 18 18 18 18
%h 6 CHR(6) 6 06 6 6
%m 30 CHR(30) 30 30 30 30
%s 0 CHR(0) 0 00 0 0
%p PM (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A) (N/A)

Notice that the "s" and "l" formats of the day (%D) give the day of the week.

The default format as well as the text used for month and day names may be developer-assigned through the STBL() function. See the STBL Formats section in the User's Reference Guide for additional information.

DATE(-1) returns a null value.

Dates prior to the adoption of the Gregorian calendar are not historically meaningful. Countries adopted the Gregorian calendar at various times starting as early as October 15, 1582 (October 5 on the Julian calendar). Great Britain and its colonies, including the territory that was to become the USA, converted to the Gregorian calendar on September 14th, 1752 (September 3 on the Julian calendar). Some countries did not adopt the Gregorian calendar until well into the 20th century.


Example 1

The following is the most simple form and prints the current date:


Example 2

The following prints the message: "The current year is ", followed by the current year in four digits.

PRINT DATE(0:"The current year is %Y")

Example 3

The following prints a date in "MM/DD/YY" format (requiring the zero-fill operation):

PRINT DATE(0:"%Mz/%Dz/%Yz")

See Also

Date Input - BBj

JUL() Function - Get Julian Date

Functions - Alphabetical Listing