CLIPLOCK Verb - Lock Clipboard
CLIPLOCK [ERR=lineref]
For BBj-specific information, see the Clipboard
Verbs and Functions.
The CLIPLOCK verb "locks" the clipboard, obtaining it exclusively
for an application. Only a single window/application can access the clipboard
at one time. Before any clipboard function or verb (except CLIPREGFORMAT())
can be used, CLIPLOCK must be executed, otherwise an !ERROR=91 is generated.
Executing CLIPLOCK after it has already been used to lock the clipboard
will generate an !ERROR=14. If the clipboard has already been locked by
another process, an !ERROR=92 is generated. In this case, the error code
returned by Windows and placed in TCB(10) is unreliable; Visual PRO/5
often sets TCB(10) to 93 to indicate that although windows did not return
an error code, the operation failed. Error handlers should unlock the
clipboard before aborting a clipboard operation. The BEGIN, END, RELEASE,
START, STOP, and CLIPUNLOCK verbs unlock the clipboard.