BBJSP CoreTags (Deprecated)

The BBJSP system is deprecated. For new development, use BBxServlet.


In BBj 16.0 and higher, the BBJSP Core library provides a common set of tags that can be used to control generation of web pages under the BBJSP framework.


Tag libraries need specifically importing into a BBJSP page by using the taglib directive. Here's an example of how to register this tag library in your page:

<%@ taglib uri='/WEB-CFG/tld/core.tld' prefix='core' %>

The uri points to the tag library definition within the web application and the prefix defines how the tag will be prefixed in the markup.


Tag Name


Choose wraps multiple <CORE.When>s and one <CORE.Otherwise> to control rendering
Compare compares two string values and processed content if condition is met.
Equal compares two objects and processed the content if the two values are the same
GreaterThan tests two string values and if the first is greater than the second then the tag content is processed.
GreaterThanOrEqual tests two string values and if the first is greater than or equal to the second then the tag content is processed.
If tests a value and if it evaluates to a non-zero value then the tag content is processed 
IfEmpty tests the contents of an object and if the contents are empty or null() then the tag content is processed.
IfNotNull tests a value and if it is not null() then the content of the tag is processed
IfNot tests a value and if it evaluates to zero then the tag content is processed 
IfNotEmpty tests the contents of an object and if the contents are not empty or null() then the tag content is processed.
IfNull tests a value and if it is null() then the content of the tag is processed
Iterate iterate over a BBjVector
LessThan tests two string values and if the first is kess than the second then the tag content is processed.
LessThanOrEqual tests two string values and if the first is less than or equal to the second then the tag content is processed.
Log writes to the context log file
Map processes HashMap objects
NotEqual compares two objects and processes the content if the two values are not the same
Otherwise default option in a <CORE.Choose>
Out writes a value to the output
Set sets a value in the BBjspPageContext.
Template allow easy access to fields held in a BBjTemplatedString
VGet get an item from BBjVector
When options of a <CORE.Choose>



See Also


BBJSP Tag Libraries