In BBj 18.00 and higher, this method returns a ClientObject that delegates to the underlying JFreeChart ChartPanel . This ClientObject can be used to perform more advanced operations with JFreeCharts.
Return Value |
Method |
getClientChartPanel() |
Return Value
This method returns a ClientObject that delegates to the underlying JFreeChart ChartPanel . This ClientObject can be used to perform more advanced operations with JFreeCharts.
Prior to BBj 18.00, this method was only available for BBjGenericChart . The ClientChartPanel interface defines the following methods, which delegate directly to the corresponding methods on the ChartPanel .
Return Value | Method |
void | createChartPrintJob() |
void | doEditChartProperties() |
void | doSaveAs() throws IOException |
Point2D | getAnchor() |
JFreeChart | getChart() |
ChartRenderingInfo | getChartRenderingInfo() |
File | getDefaultDirectoryForSaveAs() |
int | getDismissDelay() |
ChartEntity | getEntityForPoint(int p_viewX, int p viewY) |
boolean | getFillZoomRectangle() |
boolean | getHorizontalAxisTrace() |
int | getInitialDelay() |
int | getMaximumDrawHeight() |
int | getMaximumDrawWidth() |
int | getMinimumDrawHeight() |
int | getMinimumDrawWidth() |
JPopupMenu | getPopupMenu() |
boolean | getRefreshBuffer() |
int | getReshowDelay() |
double | getScaleX() |
double | getScaleY() |
Rectangle2D | getScreenDataArea() |
Rectangle2D | getScreenDataArea(int p_x, int p_y) |
String | getToolTipText(MouseEvent p_e) |
boolean | getVerticalAxisTrace() |
boolean | getZoomAroundAnchor() |
Paint | getZoomFillPaint() |
double | getZoomInFactor() |
double | getZoomOutFactor() |
Paint | getZoomOutlinePaint() |
int | getZoomTriggerDistance() |
boolean | isDomainZoomable() |
boolean | isEnforceFileExtensions() |
boolean | isRangeZoomable() |
int | print(Graphics p_g, PageFormat p_pf, int p_pageIndex) |
boolean | restoreAutoBounds() |
boolean | restoreAutoDomainBounds() |
boolean | restoreAutoRangeBounds() |
Rectangle2D | scale(Rectangle2D p_rect) |
void | setChart(JFreeChart p_chart) |
void | setDefaultDirectoryForSaveAs(File p_file) |
void | setDismissDelay(int p_delay) |
void | setDisplayToolTips(boolean p_flag) |
void | setDomainZoomable(boolean p_flag) |
void | setEnforceFileExtensions(boolean p_enforce) |
void | setFillZoomRectangle(boolean p_flag) |
void | setHorizontalAxisTrace(boolean p_flag) |
void | setInitialDelay(int p_delay) |
void | setMaximumDrawHeight(int p_height) |
void | setMaximumDrawWidth(int p_width) |
void | setMinimumDrawHeight(int p_height) |
void | setMinimumDrawWidth(int p_width) |
void | setMouseZoomable(boolean p_flag) |
void | setMouseZoomable(boolean p_flag, boolean p_fillRectangle) |
void | setPopupMenu(JPopupMenu p_menu) |
void | setRangeZoomable(boolean p_flag) |
void | setRefreshBuffer(boolean p_flag) |
void | setReshowDelay(int p_delay) |
void | setVerticalAxisTrace(boolean p_flag) |
void | setZoomAroundAnchor(boolean p_zoomAroundAnchor) |
void | setZoomFillPaint(Paint p_paint) |
void | setZoomInFactor(double p_factor) |
void | setZoomOutFactor(double p_factor) |
void | setZoomOutlinePaint(Paint p_paint) |
void | setZoomTriggerDistance(int p_distance) |
Point | translateJava2DToScreen(Point2D p_java2DPoint) |
Point2D | translateScreenToJava2D(Point p_screenPoint) |
void | zoom(Rectangle2D p_selection) |
void | zoomInBoth(double p_x, double p_y) |
void | zoomInDomain(double p_x, double p_y) |
void | zoomInRange(double p_x, double p_y) |
void | zoomOutBoth(double p_x, double p_y) |
void | zoomOutDomain(double p_x, double p_y) |
void | zoomOutRange(double p_x, double p_y) |
See Also
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.