In BBj 24.00 and higher, this setting debounces the client-side BBjWebComponent event handler to the specified delay in milliseconds.
Return Value | Method |
BBjWebEventOptions | setDebounce(int delay, boolean leading, boolean trailing) |
Parameter | Description |
delay | The debounce delay in milliseconds. |
leading | A boolean value that specifies whether the debounced event should be reported to the server immediately. |
trailing | A boolean value that specifies whether the debounced event should be deferred to the end of the specified delay. |
Return Value
Returns a reference to the BBjWebEventOptions object.
By default, BBjWebComponent BBjWebEvents are reported to the server immediately. This setting debounces the client-side BBjWebComponent event handler to the specified delay in milliseconds.
Version History
See Also
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.