In BBj 21.00 and higher, this method returns the content type used for the MIME body sent in this response.
The content type proper must have been specified using setContentType(java.lang.String) before the response is committed. If no content type has been specified, this method returns null. If a content type has been specified, and a character encoding has been explicitly or implicitly specified as described in getCharacterEncoding() or getWriter() has been called, the charset parameter is included in the string returned. If no character encoding has been specified, the charset parameter is omitted.
Return Value |
Method |
string |
getContentType() |
Return Value
Returns a String specifying the content type, for example, "text/html; charset=UTF-8", or null.
This method is inherited from the Java HttpServletResponse object.
rem '/**
rem '* Enter the values for your username, password, and the filepath to this file
rem '*/
username$ = "admin"
password$ = "admin123"
pathToThisFile$ = "/path/to/BBxServletResponseDemo.bbj"
context! = BBjAPI().getAdmin(username$, password$).getJettyServerConfig().getCustomContext("root")
context!.addBBxServlet("/BBxServletResponseDemo", pathToThisFile$, "BBxServletResponseDemo", "bbxServletResponseDemo", 1)
BBjAPI().getAdmin(username$, password$).getJettyServer().getContext("root").restart()
CLASS PUBLIC BBxServletResponseDemo
rem 'Demonstrates the various capabilities of the BBxServletResponse object
METHOD PUBLIC VOID bbxServletResponseDemo(BBxServletContext context!)
rem 'Get the response object from the BBxServletContext
response! = context!.getResponse()
rem 'Get ServletOutputStream from BBxServletResponse
out! = response!.getOutputStream()
out!.write("<p>This is the response object that is used to send information back to the client when the ")
out!.write("servlet is called. The primary method through which information is passed around is the ")
out!.write("ServletOutputStream returned through BBxServletResponse.getOutputStream.</p>")
out!.write("<p>See <code>addCookieDemo</code> in source code for method usage examples</p>")
out!.write("<p>See <code>statusCodeDemo</code> in source code for method usage examples</p>")
out!.write("<p>See <code>sendRedirectDemo</code> in source code for method usage examples</p>")
out!.write("<p>See <code>responseInfoMethodsDemo</code> in source code for method usage examples</p>")
rem 'Demonstrates how to create a cookie as well as how to add it to the BBxServletResponse
METHOD PUBLIC VOID addCookieDemo(BBxServletContext context!)
rem 'Get the request and response object from the BBxServletContext
request! = context!.getRequest()
response! = context!.getResponse()
rem 'Get ServletOutputStream from BBxServletResponse
out! = response!.getOutputStream()
rem 'Check parameters for addCookie query
cookies! = new BBjVector()
cookiesToAdd! = request!.getParameterValues("addCookieName")
cookieVals! = request!.getParameterValues("cookieVal")
if (cookiesToAdd!.size()>0) then
FOR N=0 TO cookiesToAdd!.size()-1
name$ = cookiesToAdd!.getItem(N)
value$ = cookieVals!.getItem(N)
rem 'create cookie
cookie! = response!.createCookie(name$)
rem 'add cookie to response
out!.write("<h3>Adding BBjCookies</h3>")
out!.write("<p>BBjCookies can be added to a response which will set them in the client browser. This can be")
out!.write(" done by creating a cookie with <code>response!.createCookie(name$)</code> and then adding the ")
out!.write("cookie to the response with <code>response!.addCookie(cookie!)</code>.<p>")
rem 'loop over cookie BBjVector to print out the cookies that will be added
if cookies!.size() > 0
out!.write("<p>The following cookies will be added to this response:</p><ul>")
FOR N=0 TO cookies!.size()-1
cookie! = cookies!.getItem(N)
out!.write("<li> Cookie "+String.valueOf(N)+":")
out!.write("<ul><li>name = "+cookie!.getName()+"</li><li>value = "+cookie!.getValue()+"</li></ul>")
out!.write("To see these cookies in the request, <b>refresh the page</b>.")
out!.write("<p>Try adding a cookie below!</p>")
rem 'An HTML form to add cookies to the request
out!.write("Enter the name and value of a cookie to add:")
out!.write("<form method='GET' enctype='text/html' action='"+request!.getServletPath()+"'>")
out!.write("Name: <input type='text' name='addCookieName'> Value: <input type='text' name='cookieVal'> ")
out!.write("<input type='submit' value='Press'> to <b>add</b> a cookie to the next response!")
rem 'Demonstrates the getStatus() and sendError(in code) methods in BBxServletResponse
METHOD PUBLIC VOID statusCodesDemo(BBxServletContext context!)
rem 'Get the request and response object from the BBxServletContext
request! = context!.getRequest()
response! = context!.getResponse()
rem 'Get ServletOutputStream from BBxServletResponse
out! = response!.getOutputStream()
rem 'Check parameters for sendError query
errorCode! = request!.getParameter("sendError")
errorMsg! = request!.getParameter("errorMsg")
if (errorCode!.length() > 0) then
rem 'Send the error code and message
response!.sendError(Integer.parseInt(errorCode!), errorMsg!)
rem 'Get the value of getStatus()
status! = response!.getStatus()
out!.write("<h3>Status Codes</h3>")
out!.write("<p>Through BBxServletResponse, you have the capability to check status codes as well as send error ")
out!.write("codes along with a message. Below is the current return value for <code>getStatus()</code></p>")
out!.write("<code><ul><li>getStatus() = "+String.valueOf(status!)+"</li></ul></code>")
rem 'Form for submitting an error code
out!.write("Try submitting an error code and message for yourself!")
out!.write("<form method='GET' enctype='text/html' action='"+request!.getServletPath()+"'>")
out!.write("Error Code: <input type='text' name='sendError'> Message: <input type='text' name='errorMsg'> ")
out!.write("<input type='submit' value='Press'> to send an error.")
rem 'Demonstration of the sendRedirect(url$) method
METHOD PUBLIC VOID sendRedirectDemo(BBxServletContext context!)
rem 'Get the request and response objects from the BBxServletContext
request! = context!.getRequest()
response! = context!.getResponse()
rem 'Get ServletOutputStream from BBxServletResponse
out! = response!.getOutputStream()
rem 'check parameters for sendRedirect parameter
sendRedirect! = request!.getParameter("sendRedirect")
rem 'Send the redirect on the response
if (sendRedirect!.length() > 0) then
out!.write("<h3>Send Redirect</h3>")
out!.write("<p>With <code>sendRedirect</code>, you can redirect a page to any URL you would like.</p>")
out!.write("<p>Enter a URL below to redirect the servlet to that page</p>")
rem 'An HTML form to add sendRedirect parameter to URL
out!.write("<form method='GET' enctype='text/html' action='"+request!.getServletPath()+"'>")
out!.write("Redirect URL: <input type='text' name='sendRedirect'> ")
out!.write("<input type='submit' value='Press'> to redirect page")
rem 'Demonstrates methods for getting and setting various information in the BBxServletResponse
METHOD PUBLIC VOID responseInfoMethodsDemo(BBxServletContext context!)
rem 'Get the request and response objects from the BBxServletContext
request! = context!.getRequest()
response! = context!.getResponse()
rem 'Get ServletOutputStream from BBxServletResponse
out! = response!.getOutputStream()
rem 'Check parameters for setCharacterEncoding and set it to the specified value
setCharacterEncoding! = request!.getParameter("setCharacterEncoding")
if (setCharacterEncoding!.length() > 0) then
rem 'Check parameters for setContentType and set it to the specified value
setContentType! = request!.getParameter("setContentType")
if (setContentType!.length() > 0) then
rem 'Check parameters for setDateHeader values and set the date header
setDateHeaderName! = request!.getParameter("setDateHeaderName")
setDateHeaderValue! = request!.getParameter("setDateHeaderValue")
if (setDateHeaderName!.length() > 0) then
response!.setDateHeader(setDateHeaderName!, Long.parseLong(setDateHeaderValue!))
rem 'Check parameters for setHeader values and set them in the response
setHeaderName! = request!.getParameter("setHeaderName")
setHeaderValue! = request!.getParameter("setHeaderValue")
if (setHeaderName!.length() > 0) then
response!.setHeader(setHeaderName!, setHeaderValue!)
rem 'Check parameters for setLocale and set the locale to that value
setLocale! = request!.getParameter("setLocale")
if (setLocale!.length() > 0) then
response!.setLocale(new java.util.Locale(setLocale!))
rem 'Get BBxServletResponse info
isCommitted! = response!.isCommitted()
characterEncoding! = response!.getCharacterEncoding()
contentType! = response!.getContentType()
headerNames! = response!.getHeaderNames()
getHeadersString$ = ""
getHeaderString$ = ""
if (headerNames!.size() > 0) then
getHeadersString$ = getHeadersString$ + "<ul>"
getHeaderString$ = getHeaderString$ + "<ul>"
FOR N=0 TO headerNames!.size()-1
name$ = headerNames!.get(N)
headers! = response!.getHeaders(name$)
getHeadersString$ = getHeadersString$ + "<li>getHeaders(<em>"+name$+"</em>) = "+String.valueOf(headers!)+"</li>"
header! = response!.getHeader(name$)
getHeaderString$ = getHeaderString$ + "<li>getHeaders(<em>"+name$+"</em>) = "+String.valueOf(header!)+"</li>"
getHeadersString$ = getHeadersString$ + "</ul>"
getHeaderString$ = getHeaderString$ + "</ul>"
locale! = response!.getLocale()
out!.write("<h3>BBxServletResponse Header Info</h3>")
out!.write("<p>BBxServletResponse has a number of methods that allow you to get as well as set values in the ")
out!.write("response header. Below are the methods and return values along with fields that will allow you to")
out!.write(" change their values.</p>")
out!.write("<li>boolean isCommitted() = "+Boolean.toString(isCommitted!)+"</li>")
out!.write("<li>String getCharacterEncoding() = "+String.valueOf(CAST(Object, characterEncoding!))+"</li>")
out!.write("<li>String getContentType() = "+String.valueOf(CAST(Object, contentType!))+"</li>")
out!.write("<li>Locale getLocale() = "+String.valueOf(CAST(Object, locale!))+"</li>")
out!.write("<li>BBjVector getHeaderNames() = "+String.valueOf(headerNames!)+"</li>")
out!.write("<li>String getHeader(String name) : "+getHeaderString$+"</li>")
out!.write("<li>String getHeaders(String name) : "+getHeadersString$+"</li>")
out!.write("<p>Try changing these values below.</p>")
rem 'An HTML form to add setCharacterEncoding parameter to URL
out!.write("<form method='GET' enctype='text/html' action='"+request!.getServletPath()+"'>")
out!.write("Character Encoding: <input type='text' name='setCharacterEncoding'> ")
out!.write("<input type='submit' value='Press'> to set character encoding")
rem 'An HTML form to add setContentType parameter to URL
out!.write("<form method='GET' enctype='text/html' action='"+request!.getServletPath()+"'>")
out!.write("Content Type: <input type='text' name='setContentType'> ")
out!.write("<input type='submit' value='Press'> to set content type")
rem 'An HTML form to add setLocale parameter to URL
out!.write("<form method='GET' enctype='text/html' action='"+request!.getServletPath()+"'>")
out!.write("Locale: <input type='text' name='setLocale'> ")
out!.write("<input type='submit' value='Press'> to set locale")
- BBj 21.00: BBxServlet introduced.
See Also
BBxServlet Tutorial
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.