

In BBj 21.00 and higher, this method returns the BBxServletRequest object for the BBxServletContext.


Return Value Method
BBxServletRequest getRequest()



Return Value

The BBxServletRequest object for the BBxServletContext.


REM /**
REM  * Enter the values for your username, password, and the filepath to this file
REM  */
username$ = "admin"
password$ = "admin123"
pathToThisFile$ = "/path/to/BBxServletContextDemo.bbj"

context! = BBjAPI().getAdmin(username$, password$).getJettyServerConfig().getCustomContext("root")
context!.addBBxServlet("/BBxServletContextDemo", pathToThisFile$, "BBxServletContextDemo", "bbxServletContextDemo", 1) 
BBjAPI().getAdmin(username$, password$).getJettyServer().getContext("root").restart()

CLASS PUBLIC BBxServletContextDemo

    REM Demonstration of various methods and functions of the BBxServletContext object
    METHOD PUBLIC VOID bbxServletContextDemo(BBxServletContext context!)
        REM The BBxServletRequest, BBxServletResponse, BBxWebSession, and BBjJettyContext are retrieved here
        request! = context!.getRequest()
        response! = context!.getResponse()
        session! = context!.getSession()
        bbjContext! = context!.getJettyContext()
        REM Get ServletOutputStream from BBxServletResponse
        out! = response!.getOutputStream()
        REM Output Label for BBxServlet Context section of of servlet page
        out!.write("<p>When a BBxServlet runs, it receives a BBxServletContext object as the sole parameter in its ")
        out!.write("service method. The BBxServletContext object provides access to key elements of the BBxServlet ")
        out!.write("and BBjServices, including the BBxServletRequest, BBxServletResponse, BBxWebSession, and ")
        out!.write("BBjJettyContext objects. Demonstrated below is the additional information that can be accessed ")
        out!.write("through BBxServletContext.</p>")
        REM Method call for the getContextName() demo
        out!.write("<p>See <code>getContextNameDemo</code> in source code for example.</p>")
        REM Method call for demo of  initialization parameter methods
        out!.write("<p>See <code>initParametersMethodsDemo</code> in source code for an example.</p>")     
    REM Demonstration of getContextName() method in BBxServletContext
    METHOD PUBLIC VOID getContextNameDemo(BBxServletContext context!)
        REM Get ServletOutputStream from BBxServletResponse
        out! = context!.getResponse().getOutputStream()
        REM Here is where we retrieve the context name for this servlet
        contextName$ = context!.getContextName()
        REM Output html for webpage that will be displayed
        out!.write("<h3>Context Name</h3>")
        out!.write("<p><code>getContextName()</code> returns a String representing the name of the context this ")
        out!.write("servlet was added to. See below for the context name of this particular servlet.</p> ")
        out!.write("<p><code>String getContextName() = "+contextName$+"</code></p>")
    REM Demonstration of getInitParameter(String name) and getInitParameterNames() in BBxServletContext
    METHOD PUBLIC VOID initParametersMethodsDemo(BBxServletContext context!)    
        REM Get ServletOutputStream from BBxServletResponse
        out! = context!.getResponse().getOutputStream()
        REM Get BBjVector of initialization parameter names
        paramNames! = context!.getInitParameterNames()
        REM Output initialization parameters label as well as 
        out!.write("<h3>Initialization Parameters:</h3>")
        out!.write("<p>Initialization parameters are the parameters that were set at servlet creation time in either ")
        out!.write("the EM or the BBj console. Below are the return values of <code>getInitParameterNames</code> and ")
        out!.write("<code>getInitParamer(paramName$)</code> for this particular servlet.")
        REM Create string to display return values
        IF paramNames!.size()>0 THEN
            initParamValueString$ = ""
            REM Loop over the parameter names and print them with their corresponding value 
            FOR N=0 TO paramNames!.size()-1
                paramName$ = paramNames!.getItem(N)
                REM Retrieve initialization parameter with the given name
                paramValue$ = context!.getInitParameter(paramName$)
                REM add value to string of parameter values
                initParamValueString$ = initParamValueString$ + "<li>getInitParameter(<em>"+paramName$+"</em>) = "+paramValue$+"</li>"
            NEXT N
            REM Output parameter values to response output stream
            out!.write("<li>BBjVector getInitParameterNames() = "+paramNames!.toString()+"</li>")
            out!.write("<li>String getInitParameter(String name$):<ul>"+initParamValueString$+"</ul></li>")
            out!.write("There are no initialization parameters for this servlet.")
Example Type: BBj

See Also



BBxServlet Tutorial




See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.