Class PDFFaxJob
In BBj 10.0 and higher, this class allows BBj applications to fax one or more PDF documents to one or more phone numbers. PDFFaxJob represents a single fax job for which multiple documents and phone numbers can be specified. Once the fax has been configured and sent, the program should call close().
method public PDFFaxJob()
method public PDFFaxJob(BBjString port$)
Variable |
Description |
port$ |
The serial port on which the fax modem resides. The names that this port may go by are OS-specific. For example, under Windows, the port will have a name like COM3, while under Linux, the port may be named /dev/ttyS2. |
None. (All fields are private.)
Access |
Return Value |
Method |
public |
void |
addDocument(BBjString documentPath$) |
public |
void |
addDocuments(BBjVector documents!) |
public |
void |
addPhoneNumber(BBjString phoneNo$) |
public |
void |
addPhoneNumbers(BBjVector phoneNos!) |
public |
void |
close() |
public |
BBjNumber |
public |
void |
send() |
protected |
void |
sendToOneRecipient(BBjString phoneNo$) |
Follow these steps to successfully send a fax using this PDFFaxJob class:
1. Verify
a. The fax modem is installed on the local machine according to manufacturer’s instructions.
b. If the modem is an external modem, that it is powered on, plugged in to the phone line, and ready to dial a recipient.
2. Identify the name of the communication port on which the modem is installed.
3. Pass the name of the communication port into the constructor that takes a string if the name of the communication port is not “COM1”.
NOTE: If the specified port is not recognized as a serial port -- for example, a USB port is specified -- PDFFaxJob might not be able to communicate with the modem.
See Also
The BASIS Fax Utility uses a third-party library from Java4Less called RFax. Any faxes sent will include a banner stating that the RFax library is being used until the customer obtains a license from Java4Less here.