Payroll - Union History Report


This task prints a report of employee information by week for the selected union. For each employee, units worked are itemized for up to five weekly pay periods. The percentages used for employer contributions are printed, if applicable.


=> To access this task...

Select Union History Report from the Periodic Processing menu.

Union History Report


About the Fields

The Union History report contains the information necessary to prepare forms detailing employee earnings, hours worked, deductions, and employer contributions required by employee unions. The same information is available on a weekly basis through the Union History Inquiry option in the Employee Masterfile Maintenance task.

In the Beginning/Ending Union Code field...

  • Enter a valid union code to begin/end the report.

  • Click to select from a list of valid codes.

  • Leave Blank to indicate First/Last.

From the Month dropdown...

  • Select the Month for the report.

In the Year field...

  • Enter the Calendar Tax Year that you would like reported.

In the Ending Date Week fields....

The dates of each Sunday for the month selected are displayed as defaults.

  • Press Return to accept the defaults.

  • Enter an ending date for each pay period.

  • Click to select from a Pop Up Calendar.

When done making selections...

  • Click to generate the Union History Report.

Sample Union History Report


See Output Options

When the process is complete, you are returned to the
Payroll Periodic Processing Menu


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