Accounts Payable - Bank Account Codes
The Bank Account Codes task is used to create and maintain the bank account codes used in the ACH electronic payment of vendors and appears in the AP Parameters and the Vendor maintenance tasks.
To access this task...
Select Bank Account Codes from the Inquiry Maintenance menu.
AP - Bank Account Codes Maintenance
About the Fields
To enable edits to the form select .
In the Bank Account Code field...
to select a bank account code from a list of active code records. See Query Functions.
to create a new bank account code record.
Click the record navigating buttons;
to view the first record,
to view the previous record,
to view the next record and
to view the last vendor record.
In the Bank Name field...
Enter the name of the banking institution.
In the Bank Address field...
Enter the bank's mailing address.
In the Account Name field...
Enter the description of the account. Can use descriptions from the GL Bank Reconciliation task - this is not the same as the GL Account Name.
From the Account Type selector...
Select Checking, Savings, or Other.
In the Bank Routing Number field...
Enter the bank's routing number.
In the Bank Account Number field...
Enter the account number.
In the Check Number field...
Enter the next check number to use when printing AP checks.
Print MICR on Checks checkbox...
Select this option to include a MICR band containing the check number, bank routing number, and bank account number on the bottom of the check.
In the MICR Bank Acct Format field...
Enter a # character for each digit in the bank account number, along with any additional formatting characters such as a space or MICR dash, and the final MICR On-Us symbol, as required by the bank. Use the drill down to view a grid of valid MICR characters:
Valid MICR Characters
If a given workstation has the MICR font installed, the MICR characters show as static text beneath the MICR Bank Acct Format field and in the drill down. Otherwise (in the absence of a locally installed MICR font), the drill down and static text fields show regular alpha characters. Regardless of whether or not the MICR font is installed on a given workstation, the MICR appears correctly on checks since they're generated on the server. BBj ships with a MICR font in the basisfonts.jar (micrenc.ttf).
When done making selections:
to save the record.
to begin a new bank account code record.
to delete the record.