Using Filelists

File manipulation utilities are written to work with a pre-defined filelist. A filelist is a list of programs or data files a certain operation is performed on. If a utility is invoked without a filelist, the filelist editor is called prior to executing the actual utility. A filelist file has a default extension of .fl.

A filelist generator (_flist) is provided with the utilities to generate and maintain filelists that can be saved and later modified when running another utility. The utilities that require filelists will CALL _flist upon invocation, when no list is supplied. Previously defined filelist may be padded and used.

A Filelist Maintenance program can be either by invoked explicitly or CALLed by another utility, opening a window with the following menu options:




Allows the addition of an entry to the filelist below the current entry. Wildcards are valid. See Wildcard Rules.


Allows the insertion of an entry above the current entry.


Allows the deletion of the current entry.


Clears ALL entries from the filelist.


Allows editing of the current entry.


Allows saving the current filelist to disk.


Resolves wild cards and path names specified in previous filelist entries.


Loads an existing filelist from the disk.


Prints the current filelist.


Exits filelist maintenance and continues utility execution (same as TAB key). If wild cards exist in the filelist, the utility will prompt for resolution of the wild cards.


Displays a help screen with information describing the options.

First, select either the A-Add or I-Insert option to type the name of the desired file(s). The file name entered may contain wild cards. Further restrictions may be placed on the file name entered and are entered as switches. The switches follow the file name preceded by a dash ("-") and separated by a space.

The following switches are supported:




Selects only PRO/5 programs.


Selects only PRO/5 data files.


Selects both PRO/5 programs and data files.


Includes subdirectories when resolving wild cards.


Removes all prior occurrences of file name in the filelist.


File name is the name of a saved filelist.

Switches can be combined and do not require a dash between them. For example:

C:\basis\pro5\* -BS

When the above example is resolved, the filelist will contain PRO/5 programs and data files that exist in C:\basis\pro5 and all directories below it.

All wild cards and switches will be removed when the filelist is "Resolved." The filelist can be resolved at any time while in the filelist editor.

The filelist can also be saved at any time while in the filelist editor. Saving a filelist with wildcards will force the filelist to be resolved when the saved filelist is referenced.

To exit the filelist editor, use the "eXecute" option or the Tab key. If a filelist contains wild cards, a dialog appears tot to resolve the list, or not.