Conversion from BBxProgression/2 or 3 to BBxPROGRESSION/4 or PRO/5
Read all conversion information and back up your original programs before starting a conversion.
The _p4conv conversion utility overwrites your original program.
Your original programs could be lost if errors occur during the conversion.
The _p4conv utility converts BBxProgression/2 and BBxProgression/3 programs to BBxPROGRESSION/4 and PRO/5 format. This conversion utility is installed in the convert directory under the PRO/5 home directory. You must have access to this directory, as well as the Standard Utilities directory. Use a PRO/5 PREFIX that points to these two directories. The _p4conv utility accepts a list of files (from _flist.utl) to convert, and then converts them.
_p4conv will not convert programs that are damaged or that are protected using the SAVEP command.
Typing the following at the PRO/5 prompt CALLs the _flist.utl utility.
RUN "_p4conv"
The _flist.utl utility generates a list of files for conversion. The _flist.utl program displays these options:
Option |
Description |
Add |
Add a file(s) to the list |
Insert |
Insert a file(s) in the list |
Delete |
Delete the highlighted item from the list |
Clear |
Clear the entire file list |
Edit |
Permit editing the highlighted file name |
Save |
Save the file list as a file |
Resolve |
Resolve wildcard specifications into a list of file names |
Load |
Request a previously saved list to be loaded from a file |
Print the file list |
eXecute |
Perform conversion |
Help |
Help |
Typically, the Add and Resolve options are used to create a list of file names. File names can be entered individually or as wildcards, or entire directories can be specified for conversion.
Bundling Programs for Conversion
To eliminate problems with keywords, use the _bundle utility under BBxProgression/2 or BBxProgression/3 to bundle all of the programs into an ASCII file. Redirect this file into PRO/5 to unbundle the programs in the earlier version. For example:
pro5 -m255 < bundled_file_name
This method is much slower than _p4conv. The _bundle utility is accessed from the _util menu.