Installing VPRO/5 and PRO/5 Data Server 2.11-5.0 — Novell NetWare

BASIS Installation Guide for Novell NetWare

Deprecated as of Rev 5.00 of VPRO/5.

Process Description

Visual PRO/5 and PRO/5 Data Server for NetWare revision 2.11 and higher use FLEXlm/FLEXnet licensing software. This online documentation includes the FLEXlm/FLEXnet End User and is accessible from the table of contents. In addition, the Flexera Software website ( contains Adobe Acrobat and fully searchable versions of the current manuals.

The overall process of installing these NetWare-based BASIS products requires:

à Installing and setting up the BASIS License Manager (BLM).

à Requesting the individual product licenses from BASIS.

à Installing the individual product licenses after the license is received from BASIS.

à Installing the products, which includes configuration of the product.

This document contains the procedures for accomplishing this process and for obtaining emergency licenses in the event of an emergency. Part 4 explains some important terms concerning BASIS product licenses.

What You Will Need

à If you purchased product and received product media, you will need the License Registration Form included for each product.

à If you have a BASIS product revision 2.00 to 2.05 and are updating from our website to revision 2.10 or higher, you will need your existing serial number and activation key.

à If you downloaded a demonstration copy from our website, you will have received the demonstration license file as part of the download process.

Known Issues

Lmtools.exe and lmutil.exe do not currently work on workstations that cannot connect to the license server with TCP/IP.

BASIS.NLM creates a FLEXlm/FLEXnet directory (if one does not already exist) on the SYS volume when it starts up. It does not put any files in this directory. This directory can be deleted while the license manager is not running.

Novell Netware Requirements

Long file names are only supported on NetWare 4.11 or later. Long file name support on NetWare 4.11 requires CLIB.NLM version 4.11j or later. Version 4.11j of CLIB.NLM can be obtained by installing IntranetWare Support Pack 4 or later and can be downloaded from

Part 1: Installing BASIS License Manager

STEP 1. Install the BASIS Product

  1. Locate your BASIS License Manager.

  2. The BASIS License Manager is distributed on media and from the Internet.

  3. If you are installing from media, locate and insert it into the drive now. If you are downloading the product from the BASIS ftp site, unzip the self-extracting ZIP file into a temporary directory.

  4. Locate your license authorization form you received from BASIS with your product or via fax so you can enter this information during the registration process.

  5. Run setup.exe.

STEP 2. Request the Permanent License

NOTE: If the License Registration wizard is not currently running, double click on the reglic shortcut located in the SYS:\BASIS\BLM directory.

  1. At the BASIS License Registration Wizard check an appropriate box, if necessary, and click Next to continue.

  2. Enter the Host ID of the NetWare server that will be running the BASIS License Manager. To get the Host ID, type CONFIG at the NetWare server console prompt and locate the Node Address for the first network card listed. Click Next to continue.

  3. Complete the License Registration Information.


Enter the information listed in the Contact Information section. This is optional unless you want your license delivered to you via fax or email. (This information will only be used to contact you in case of an email or fax transmission error).


In the Product Information section, enter the serial number and license authorization number exactly as they appear on the License Registration Form that came with your BASIS product.

Optionally, enter a host name. While this is not required, it provides an easy way to associate a product serial number and host ID with an individual computer.

  1. Click Next to continue to the License Registration and Delivery Methods dialog.

  2. Click Next to continue.

  3. Select the Registration Method (how you will be sending the license information to BASIS). Indicate how you will be sending the license information to BASIS. Select Web browser, email, phone, fax or other.


This is the fastest and therefore the preferred method.


The license request will be automatically sent to BASIS by email. If you are working on a machine that does not have email capability, you must select another method. If you are a remote site that tends to experience delays in delivering email, you may experience the same delay with the licensing process. In this situation, you may want to try registering by fax as well.


This is an automated telephone registration system. Dial +1.505.338.4171 and follow the instructions. Fax capability is required for the automated system to return a permanent license.


This option will save your licensing information to a text file in a special format for our automatic fax-reading software. If you print out the text file for use in a fax machine, fax the license to +1.505.338.4178. Be certain the fax is sent right-side up, inserting the top edge first. If possible try to increase the size of the characters as much as you can without having text run outside the margins or take more than one page; 16-point type is the minimum. Clean, enlarged photocopies work well, but remember that any marks, streaks or handwritten notes on the page will make it difficult for our automated system to interpret the text correctly.


OTHER is a manual backup system and should be used only if the email and fax methods are unavailable or do not work for you. OTHER allows you to save the registration information in a human-readable format to a file that can be moved to another machine with email or printer access. Then, you can fax the information to +1.505.345.5082 (NOT our automated fax number) or email the file to, and we will manually generate your permanent license.


  1. Select the License File Delivery Method (how you want BASIS to return your license file). Under License File Delivery Method, indicate how you want BASIS to return your license file. If you selected the Web browser to be the registration method, email or fax delivery methods are not available. Your license file will be immediately delivered to you via the Web.


If you select the email option, the license file will be delivered to the email address you specify. When you receive your license by email, save this file to your system, as per the email instructions. You will need to specify a path to this file later in the installation.


If you select the fax option, the license information will be delivered to the fax number you specify. You will be prompted to enter this information when you install the BASIS product license.


  1. Click Next to continue and accept the registration information verification by clicking OK.

  • If you selected Email Addressor Fax Number in the Registration Method section, but did not enter your name and phone number into the Contact Information section, an Emergency Contact Information dialog will appear, requiring you to enter it. (This information will only be used to contact you in case of an email or fax transmission error.)

  • If you selected Other as the registration method, a Save As dialog appears. Enter the destination path for the registration file and click Save. Move this registration file to a machine with Internet or printer access. Next, email it to BASIS for an immediate reply, or print this file and fax it to BASIS for a reply during BASIS' operating hours of Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time (-0700GMT). The permanent license will be returned by email or fax, whichever you selected as the License Delivery Method.

  1. Continue to register for as many licenses as you need until you answer 'Would you like to register for another BASIS license?' with No.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Registration Notification dialog. Click Next to continue.

  3. To proceed with the license installation, click Yes in the 'Would you like to install a BASIS license?' dialog.

STEP 3. Install a License

When BASIS receives the registration information, your permanent license information is generated and returned to you by the delivery method you previously selected in the registration dialog. This process should take no more than a few minutes.

If after 30 minutes you still have not received the permanent license information, please try all remaining delivery methods. If you are still unable to receive your permanent license, we recommend that you install the emergency license printed at the bottom of the BASIS License Registration Form until you receive the permanent license.

For additional assistance from BASIS Technical Support, call them during normal business hours at +1.505.345.5021 or send an email to

NOTE: If the License Installation wizard is not currently running, double click on the instlic shortcut located in the SYS:\BASIS\BLM directory.

  1. Do one of the following:

  • If you received the license file by Web browser or email, enter the path name of the license file you saved or use the "Browse..." option to locate the file.

  • If you received the license information by fax, select the Enter License Information radio button and fill in all eight text boxes as listed on the BASIS form.

  1. Select Next to complete this installation. The BASIS license is now installed.

Part 2: Installing Visual PRO/5 License(s)


Begin at Step 3 if using a BASIS License Manager

STEP 1. Install the BASIS Product

  1. Locate your BASIS product. BASIS products are distributed on media and from the Internet. If you are installing from media, locate and insert it into the drive now. If you are downloading the product from the BASIS ftp site, unzip the self-extracting ZIP file into a temporary directory.

  2. Locate your license authorization form you received from BASIS with your product or via fax so you can enter this information during the registration process.

  3. Run setup.exe.

STEP 2. Request the Permanent License

NOTE: If the License Registration wizard is not currently running, go to the Windows "Start" button, select "Programs," then locate the BASIS product for which you are installing a license. Select "Register for a BASIS License."


  1. At the BASIS License Registration Wizard check an appropriate box, if necessary, and click Next to continue.

  2. Complete the License Registration Information.

  • Enter the information listed in the Contact Information section. This is optional unless you want your license delivered to you via fax or email. (This information will only be used to contact you in case of an email or fax transmission error).

  • Complete Product License Information. In the Product Information section, enter the serial number and license authorization number exactly as they appear on the License Registration Form that came with your BASIS product.

  • Optionally, enter a host name. While this is not required, it provides an easy way to associate a product serial number and host ID with an individual computer.

  1. Click Next to continue.

  2. Select the Registration Method (how you will be sending the license information to BASIS). Indicate how you will be sending the license information to BASIS. Select Web browser, email, phone, fax or other.



This is the fastest and therefore the preferred method.


The license request will be automatically sent to BASIS by email. If you are working on a machine that does not have email capability, you must select another method. If you are a remote site that tends to experience delays in delivering email, you may experience the same delay with the licensing process. In this situation, you may want to try registering by fax as well.


This is an automated telephone registration system. Dial +1.505.338.4171 and follow the instructions. Fax capability is required for the automated system to return a permanent license.


This option will save your licensing information to a text file in a special format for our automatic fax-reading software. If you print out the text file for use in a fax machine, fax the license to +1.505.338.4178. Be certain the fax is sent right-side up, inserting the top edge first. If possible try to increase the size of the characters as much as you can without having text run outside the margins or take more than one page; 16-point type is the minimum. Clean, enlarged photocopies work well, but remember that any marks, streaks or handwritten notes on the page will make it difficult for our automated system to interpret the text correctly.


A manual backup system and should be used only if the email and fax methods are unavailable or do not work for you. OTHER allows you to save the registration information in a human-readable format to a file that can be moved to another machine with email or printer access. Then, you can fax the information to +1.505.345.5082 (NOT our automated fax number) or email the file to, and we will manually generate your permanent license.


  1. Select the License File Delivery Method (how you want BASIS to return your license file). Under License File Delivery Method, indicate how you want BASIS to return your license file. If you selected the Web browser to be the registration method, email or fax delivery methods are not available. Your license file will be immediately delivered to you via the Web.



If you select the email option, the license file will be delivered to the email address you specify. When you receive your license by email, save this file to your system, as per the email instructions. You will need to specify a path to this file later in the installation.


If you select the fax option, the license information will be delivered to the fax number you specify. You will be prompted to enter this information when you install the BASIS product license.


  1. Click Next to continue and accept the registration information verification by clicking OK

  • If you selected Email Address or Fax Number in the Registration Method section, but did not enter your name and phone number into the Contact Information section, an Emergency Contact Information dialog will appear, requiring you to enter it. (This information will only be used to contact you in case of an email or fax transmission error.)

  • If you selected Other as the registration method, a Save As dialog appears. Enter the destination path for the registration file and click Save. Move this registration file to a machine with Internet or printer access. Next, email it to BASIS for an immediate reply, or print this file and fax it to BASIS for a reply during BASIS' operating hours of Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m., Mountain Standard Time (-0700GMT). The permanent license will be returned by email or fax, whichever you selected as the License Delivery Method.

  1. Continue to register for as many licenses as you need until you answer 'Would you like to register for another BASIS license?' with No.

  2. Follow the instructions in the Registration Notification dialog. Click Next to continue

  3. To proceed with the license installation, click Yes in the 'Would you like to install a BASIS license?' dialog.

STEP 3. Install a License

When BASIS receives the registration information, your permanent license information is generated and returned to you by the delivery method you previously selected in the registration dialog. This process should take no more than a few minutes.

If after 30 minutes you still have not received the permanent license information, please try all remaining delivery methods. If you are still unable to receive your permanent license, we recommend that you install the emergency license printed at the bottom of the BASIS License Registration Form until you receive the permanent license.

For additional assistance from BASIS Technical Support, call them during normal business hours at +1.505.345.5021 or send an email to

  1. Select the type of license installation and click Next to continue.

    NOTE: If the License Installation wizard is not currently running, go to the Windows "Start" button, click "Programs," then locate the BASIS product for which you are installing a license. Select "Install a BASIS License."

  1. Complete one of the following for each of the three radio button options:

  • Install a single-userBASISVisual PRO/5 license on this machine. If you received the license file by Web browser or email, enter the path name of the license file you saved or use the "Browse..." option to locate the file.

If you received the license information by fax, select the Enter License Information radio button and fill in all eight text boxes as listed on the BASIS form.

  • Configure thisapplicationto use the BASIS License Manager. If you purchased a multiuser license with your BASIS product, select this radio button and fill in the text box below with the name of the machine on which you will run the BASIS License Manager. Select Next to continue.

Specify the protocol to use to communicate with the BASIS License Manager for NetWare. If IPX/SPX is specified, you must specify the Node Address and Network Number for the server (not the network card), which can be found by typing CONFIG at the Novell server console, or by running your NetWare administration utility.

  • Configure this application to use BASIS Data ServerLicense. If you will be using a PRO/5 Data Server, select this radio button and fill in the text box below with the name of the machine on which the Data Server is installed. Select Next to continue.

    Specify the protocol to use to communicate with the BASIS License Manager for NetWare. If IPX/SPX is specified, you must specify the Node Address and Network Number for the server (not the network card), which can be found by typing CONFIG at the Novell server console, or by running your NetWare administration utility.

  1. Select Next, then either select Yes to install another license, or No to complete the installation. Selecting No will display a screen that displays the LOAD line that can be copied into the AUTOEXEC.NCF to load the BLM NLM. For example:

    Load basis -l sys\BASIS\blm\blmgr.txt -c SYS\BASIS\[lic_file_name]

    For more than one license file, the -c syntax is:

    -c SYS\BASIS\[lic_file_name];SYS\BASIS\[lic_file_name]

    The -l [log file] option can be omitted to have the log messages displayed on the server console instead of being recorded in a log file.

  2. The BASIS license is now installed.

Part 3: Alternate Licensing Procedures

Emergency – 7-Day Nag-Free License

A 7-day emergency license is available for system hardware changes that invalidate your license.

To install a 7-day emergency license, repeat the steps in Part 2. When entering additional requests for the same serial number and authorization number, our automated system generates a 7-day emergency license. Once the 7-day emergency license is running, call the BASIS reseller to request a permanent license.

Evaluation – 60-Day Nag-Free License

If, when installing new BASIS product, the "PRODUCT LICENSE INFORMATION" procedures fail for any reason to return a permanent license, you can immediately run nag-free by installing an evaluation license. This license is valid for 60 days from the date of purchase from BASIS, and you do not need to contact BASIS to install it.

To install a 60-day evaluation license, repeat the steps in "Part 2." Manually enter the license information on the included License Registration Form. Once the 60-day evaluation license is running, call BASIS support to assist in the installation of the permanent license.

NOTE:If you have difficulty receiving the BASIS-generated permanent license information, and have unsuccessfully attempted the request by fax,email, and Web, we recommend you select the fourth option, "Other." This allows you to save the license registration information so it can be e-mailed from another machine or faxed. If this still is unsuccessful, install theemergencylicense until the permanent license is received.