BCI Interface - CustomWizard


In BBj 13.0 and higher, the interface com.basis.install.CustomWizard provides the ability to add a BCI custom wizard.


Return Value



create(CustomWizardData p_customWizardData)





<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <Suite name="ChileCo">

       <CustomAction name="com.chileco.install.ChileCoStartInstallCustomAction" occurs="startinstall"/>





 * ChileCoInstallerStartCustomAction.java


 * Created on October 28, 2011, 11:24 AM


package com.chileco.install;

import com.basis.install.StartInstallCustomAction;

import com.basis.install.StartInstallCustomActionData;

import com.basis.install.CustomWizard;

public class ChileCoStartInstallCustomAction implements StartInstallCustomAction


    /* Creates a new instance of ChileCoStartInstallCustomAction */

    public ChileCoStartInstallCustomAction()




    /* Method called when action is to be run */

    public void execute(StartInstallCustomActionData p_startInstallCustomActionData)


        ChileCoWizard chilecoWizard = new ChileCoWizard();








 * ChileCoWizard.java


 * Created on October 28, 2011, 11:24 AM


package com.chileco.install;

import com.basis.install.CustomWizard;

import com.basis.install.CustomWizardData;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.*;

import javax.swing.*;

public class ChileCoWizard implements CustomWizard, ActionListener


    private CustomWizardData m_customWizardData;

    private JFrame           m_licenseWindow;

    private JButton          m_nextButton;

    private JButton          m_exitButton;


    /* Creates a new instance of ChileCoWizard */

    public ChileCoWizard()



    /* Method called when wizard is to be created */

    public void create(CustomWizardData p_customWizardData)


        m_customWizardData = p_customWizardData;

        if (p_customWizardData.isGUI())


            // create the license window

            m_licenseWindow = new JFrame("Chile Co");


            // set the font



            /* get the content pane */

            Container contentPane = m_licenseWindow.getContentPane();

            contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

            /* get the backgound panel */

            JPanel backgroundPanel = p_customWizardData.getWizardBackgroundPanel();

            backgroundPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

            /* create the control panel */

            JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel();




            // create the necessary controls */

            JLabel licAgreement = new JLabel("This is ChileCo License Agreeement...");




            /* add the control panel */

            backgroundPanel.add(controlPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

            /* create the button control panel */

            JPanel buttonControlPanel = new JPanel();


            buttonControlPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

            /* create the button panel */

            JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel();


            /* create necessary buttons */

            m_exitButton = new JButton("Exit");



            m_nextButton = new JButton("Next >");



            /* add the button panel to the button control panel */


            /* add the control button panel to the background panel */

            backgroundPanel.add(buttonControlPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

            /* add the background panel to the main content pane */

            contentPane.add(backgroundPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);




    /* Method called when wizard is to be run */

    public void run()


        if (m_licenseWindow != null)


            // Set window placement and dimensions





            // Show the dialog






    private WindowListener closeWindow = new WindowAdapter()


        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)







    public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)


        if (e.getSource() == m_nextButton)





        else if (e.getSource() == m_exitButton)









See Also

BCI Class - CustomWizardData