SENDMSG() Syntax Legend
The following describes the SENDMSG() syntax items that are unique to the tab control:
Item |
Description |
count$ |
A two-byte binary string containing the number of tabs in a tab control. Print DEC($00$+COUNT$) to obtain the value in decimal format. |
ht$ |
A one-byte hit test return value. If the value is $00$, the position is not over a tab. If the value is $01$, the position is over a tab, but not over its icon or text. If the value is $02$, the position is over a tab's icon. If the value is $03$, the position is over a tab's text. |
id$ |
A one-byte binary string containing the ID of a control or image list. Print ASC(ID$) to obtain the ID value. |
idx$ |
A one-byte binary string returning an index value. Print ASC(IDX$) to obtain the index value. |
null$ |
A null string. |
pt$ |
A four-byte string representing a point in the control's coordinates. It is described using the following template: x:i(2),y:i(2) |
rect$ |
An eight-byte string describing a rectangle. It is described using the following template: x:i(2),y:i(2),w:u(2),h:u(2) |
rows$ |
A one-byte string returning the number of rows in a tab control. Print ASC(ROWS$) to obtain the actual value. |
tabdes$ |
A string containing a description of a tab and uses the following template: imageidx:i(2),id:i(2),text:c(1*=0) The imageidx field contains the index of the displayed image list tab image (-1 indicates no image). The id field contains the ID of a control or child window to be displayed when the tab is selected by the user (-1 indicates that no control or child window should be displayed automatically). The text field contains the text displayed on the tab. |
tabidx% |
An integer value used to identify a particular tab or tab location within the tab control. |
tf$ |
A one-byte string value containing $01$ if the operation succeeded, or $00$ if the operation failed. |
xy$ |
A four-byte string containing a position. It is described using the following template: x:i(2),y:i(2) |
wh$ |
Four-byte string describing the width and height of the tab. It is described using the following template: w:i(2),h:i(2) |
SENDMSG() Functions Listed in Alphabetical Order
Function |
Number |
37 |
21 |
38 |
20 |
22 |
31 |
30 |
29 |
27 |
33 |
32 |
26 |
25 |
34 |
36 |
24 |
35 |
39 |
23 |
SENDMSG() Functions Listed in Numeric Order
Function |
Number |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
38 |
39 |