Set Default Text Color - GRID SENDMSG() Function 56
This function sets the default text color for the grid.
Parameter |
Description |
sysgui |
SYSGUI channel. |
id |
Grid control ID. |
56 |
Number of this SENDMSG() function. |
0 |
Always zero. |
rgb$ |
An $RRGGBB$-formatted string that defines the RGB value of the text color. The default color can be overridden in individual cells in a standard grid with Draw Cell - Grid SENDMSG() - Function 54. |
This function produces unpredictable behavior in a grid that has been made data-aware and should be used before binding the grid to a data channel with Set Channel and Template—SENDMSG() Function 80.The text color for each column can be changed by using the TCOLOR attribute with SENDMSG() Function 80.
The return value is a null string.
The following example displays a grid with green text:
sysgui=unt; open (sysgui)"X0"
print (sysgui)'window'(50,50,200,150,"Grid Sample",$$,$$)
print (sysgui)'grid'(100,20,20,160,120,$9040$,3,3,3)
result$=sendmsg(sysgui,100,56,0,$00ff00$); rem set text to green
result$=sendmsg(sysgui,100,68,150/4,$$); rem row height
for col=0 to 2
result$=sendmsg(sysgui,100,36,col,chr(51)); rem column width
next col
for row=0 to 2
for col=0 to 2
let tf$=sendmsg(sysgui,100,22,col,str(col))
next col
next row