Checking Resources

To check a GUIBuilder (.gbf) file against the corresponding resource file, do the following:

1. Do one of the following:

  • On the Program menu, select Check Resource.

  • On the toolbar, click the Check Resource button.

2. If no errors are found, the following message is displayed:

"This GUIBuilder file is consistent with resource file 'filename'. No errors found." If any errors are found in the resource file, the Resource File Error dialog is displayed, with one of the following messages:

Corruption Type


Resource file is corrupt.

Missing [Program] block.

Multiple [Init] blocks.

Multiple [EOJ] blocks.

Missing 'Program Name' variable.

Missing 'Resource File' variable.

Invalid Event header: [Event..]

Error in program _qres, Enumerate_Res_Forms, using resource file filename.

Error in program _qres, Enumerate_Res_Child_Windows, using resource file filename.

Error in program _qres, Enumerate_Res_Controls, using resource file filename.

Resource file is corrupt. or unavailable.

Couldn't open resource file 'filename'.

The .gbf file refers to data structures that no longer exist in the resource file:

Window ID X no longer exists in the resource file.

Control ID X no longer exists on window ID Y.

Event Code X is not available for control ID Y on window ID Z.

3. In addition to one of the above messages, GUIBuilder asks the following question:

"Delete n event handler routine(s) from the .gbf file?" Select one of the following:

  • Yes - Go ahead and delete the routine(s) from the .gbf file.

  • No - Retain the routine(s) in the .gbf file.

  • Cancel - Stop resource checking process.