GML Attribute and Cell Data (Text) Template - GML_TPL$

The GML_TPL$ template contains the parameters necessary for interfacing with grid controls. When a GML procedure is executed, the fields within the template contain the values that are appropriate for the task being performed. Not all fields within the template are used for each procedure. The variables contained in the template are described in the following groups:

Variables Referencing Grid Set, Row, and Column Locations


A grid set the procedure is related to, with a value of one to the maximum grid sets being managed by the GML.


The specific grid control within the grid set. A value of one indicates a main grid control, value of two indicates a column heading grid control, and a value of three indicates a row heading grid control.


A row number in the range of one to the maximum rows in the grid.


A column number in the range of one to the maximum columns in the grid.

A GML_TPL.ROW_N% or GML_TPL.COL_N% value of less then one has a special meaning explained in the GML UPDATE procedure section of this document.

Variables Containing Grid Data (Text)


Grid cell text with the value of [c] indicating the column number. The column number ranges from one to the maximum columns in the grid.


Text that is related to the grid cell text. As an example, a grid cell containing an account number might use the GML_TPL.REL$[c] location to store the actual file key in the GML variables.

Variables Affecting the Attributes of each Grid Cell


[c] column text color.


[c] column background color.


[c] column grid cell style (INPUTE, raised button, etc).


[c] column cell alignment (left, centered, right).


[c] column index # of an image displayed within a cell.


[c] column default attributes.

Variables Affecting Grid Cell Editing


allows or restricts editing of a main grid cell.


relates to a mask for the [c] column.

Miscellaneous Use Variables


The use of a particular option for a specific procedure.


The use of a particular feature for a specific procedure.


A value relating to the execution of a procedure.


Text used for multiple purposes.


Numeric variable used with certain procedures.


Numeric variable used with certain procedures.


Information relating to certain procedures.


Row status information.

GML_TPL$: Template Initialization

Each time the GML_TPL$ template is used it must be initialized. This initialization prepares the template for use by matching the template parameters to the specific grid set it will interface. The initialization also sets variables to pre-set values which are necessary for the correct completion of a procedure by the GML. The procedure used for this initialization is outlined in the GML Procedure section of this document.