rem ' BBjBarChart: Graph Maximum Velocities for the Soapbox Derby declare BBjBarChart chart! declare BBjWindow window! declare BBjSysGui sysgui! declare BBjSystemMetrics metrics! declare java.awt.Dimension screen! rem ' instantiate the window and chart to take up a quarter screen sysgui = unt open (sysgui) "X0" sysgui! = bbjapi().getSysGui() metrics! = sysgui!.getSystemMetrics() screen! = metrics!.getScreenSize() width = int(screen!.getWidth() / 2) height = int(screen!.getHeight() / 2) window! = sysgui!.addWindow(10,10,width,height,"BBjBarChart Sample") window!.setCallback(window!.ON_CLOSE,"eoj") series = 3 categories = 5 chart! = window!.addBarChart(101,10,10,width-20,height-20,"X Axis","Y Axis",series,categories,0,0,0) chart!.setTitle("Soapbox Derby") chart!.setXLabel("Race") chart!.setYLabel("Maximum Velocity") chart!.setSeriesCount(series) chart!.setCategoryCount(categories) for series_ctr=0 to series-1 chart!.setSeriesName(series_ctr,"Soapbox #"+str(series_ctr+1)) next series_ctr rem ' Populate the chart with data for each car and race. for categories_ctr=0 to categories-1 chart!.setCategoryName(categories_ctr,"Race #"+str(categories_ctr+1)) for series_ctr=0 to series-1 chart!.setBarValue(series_ctr,categories_ctr,rnd(40)) next series_ctr next categories_ctr print "The chart's title is """,chart!.getTitle(),"""" print "The chart's X label is """,chart!.getXLabel(),"""" print "The chart's Y label is """,chart!.getYLabel(),"""" print "The chart has",chart!.getSeriesCount()," series." print "The chart has",chart!.getCategoryCount()," categories." if (chart!.is3D()) then print "The chart is 3D." else print "The chart is not 3D." endif process_events eoj: release