Global Colors

The default colors of certain standard items displayed in the EUS Toolkit environment are specified by global strings in the configuration file. Applications developed with the EUS Toolkit inherit the colors specified in these global strings as defaults. Use of these parameters is optional, and if not specified, the EUS Toolkit uses its internal defaults.

Global Colors take numeric arguments that correspond to the color codes shown in Color Codes.

Global Color



Default color for all screens presented when the developer presses the <HELP> key in the EUS Toolkit environment, or when the user presses the <HELP> key in an application developed with the EUS Toolkit. If not specified, the default color code is 16, white foreground on a blue background.


Default color of the standard EUS Toolkit message window at the bottom of a screen. If not specified, the default color code is 40, white foreground on a red background.


Default color of all warning boxes displayed in the EUS Toolkit. All error messages are displayed in this color. If not specified, the default color code is 5, red foreground on a black background.


Color used when the <!> key is used to call an operating system shell, or when the <*> key is used to call a PRO/5 program. These are full-screen calls, and the complete screen is in the color specified.


Default color of the borders on menu windows. All menus that are developed with the EUS Toolkit that do not specify a border color are affected by this global string.


Default color of the interior of menu windows. All menus that are developed with the EUS Toolkit that do not specify a window color are affected by this global string.


Default color of the highlighted items in menus. All menus that are developed with the EUS Toolkit that do not specify a selection color are affected by this global string.


Default color code of yes/no question boxes. The EUS Toolkit prompts with yes or no answers are displayed in this color code.