Enterprise Manager: Security > Settings


The Enterprise Manager Security Settings allows the administrator to change the type of authentication and security related settings used by BBjServices.

To access Security settings, select Security > Settings and the settings tab opens to the right.

General and BBj Authentication Settings

Active Authentication Type

The type of authentication used by BBjServices for authenticating users of the Enterprise Manager, ODBC/JDBC connections, and BBj authentication (if enabled). Options include BBj Authentication, LDAP/Active Directory, and Windows Authentication (only for MS Windows servers).

Password Minimum Length

Optional setting to require that passwords meet minimum length requirements. Leave blank for minimum requirements.

Password Validation Type

Optional additional requirements for passwords including: “Mixed Case”, “Mixed Case and Number”, and “Mixed Case, Number, and Symbol.”

LDAP/Active Directory Authentication

LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol for allowing applications to access shared resources contained in a central directory. BBj is particularly interested in the user and authentication related resources. Active Directory is a superset of LDAP created by Microsoft. Using LDAP authentication makes it possible for administrators to maintain a single repository of authentication credentials accessible to a variety of applications.

LDAP/Active Directory configuration involves several steps. For complete configuration details, please see Using LDAP and Active Directory User Authentication in BBj 15.0 and Higher.