Migrating to the Client/Server Model

The client, whether it is BBx or an ODBC Driver, handles remote data files differently under the client/server model. Instead of a client accessing a data file directly, the Data Server is used as a proxy to connect to the data file. All access to the data file is performed for the client by the Data Server, and the client never has direct access to the data file. If the client requests that a file be created or destroyed, the Data Server performs the task.

There are important differences between a client performing an operation and a Data Server performing an operation. For example, when working with files, the client does not have access, so its permissions and umask are not used. However, because the Data Server service is the one using the files, its permissions and umask are used. Therefore, if permissions and umask are included in a program, these issues must be considered before implementing the Data Server. If a specific owner or group permissions is required, start the Data Server as that user or member of that group. If a specific umask is required, set the umask value before invoking the Data Server. If the Data Server is invoked via a script, set the umask as desired, invoke the Data Server, and reset the umask to the previous value.