Global String Reference
Global String (STBL) |
Usage |
$arraysep |
Delimits field names from array element numbers. If $arraysep is "__", then a cgi name of amount__5 would be interpreted as cgi.amount[5]. The default separator is a hyphen (-), but because this conflicts with Javascript code, it may be necessary to use another value valid in Javascript variable names but one that does not conflict with names used in the application. If the value is changed, it must be set before utcgi.wbb is CALLed. |
$bbweb-version |
Stores the version of the BASIC Web Utility. |
$bodyopt |
Use in standard structure options added to the <body> tag. |
$cgi |
Stores the data of cgi$ for use in programs that do not have access to cgi$. |
$cgitpl |
Stores the string template definition for $cgi. |
$commdir |
Points to the shared directory used by utwatch.wbb and , if the shared directory model is used by the application. Used by utwatch.wbb and should match the value used by . |
$cookies |
Triggers the placement of cookies on the browser. This must be set to a comma-delimited list of names that reference global string values to be stored as cookies. This must be set before the first CALL to utsend.wbb. |
$cr |
The carriage-return portion of a text file line termination. Null on UNIX and ASCII, 13 on Windows. |
$env |
Stores the data of env$ to use in programs without access to env$. |
$envtpl |
Stores the string template definition for $env. |
$errdesc-errnum |
The uterr.wbb program reports the description "An error occurred" for any error value passed to it. It does, however, look for this global string for the description. For example, setting $errdesc-0 to "A locked file or record was encountered" would report that message for an error 0. |
$filename-fieldname |
Stores the user-entered file name when a file upload field is posted from a HTML form. When stored on the Web server filesystem, the BASIC Web Utility retains the file extension but renames the file uploaded to a run-time defined name. The original name is stored in this global string. |
$imagelib |
Provides a path to the physical location of image files. Any data field with a user attribute of image=y is interpreted by the BASIC Web Utility to be an image file. In creating the HTML <img src=> tag, the BASIC Web Utility attempts to open the file. If the file cannot be located by a PREFIX search, define $imagelib as the physical path to open the file. The BASIC Web Utility can then determine the width and height of both .gif and .jpg images and create a <img> tag that is rendered faster by most browsers. |
$imageurl |
This is added to the beginning of any <img src=> tags generated by the BASIC Web Utility. If $imageurl is "/home/images/", and a data field with a user attribute of image=y is "1001.gif", the BASIC Web Utility defines the tag as <img src="/home/images/1001.gif">. Note the $imagelib can also help in determining the width and height for the tag. |
$infile |
An internally maintained value used by utwatch.wbb and utcgi.wbb. |
$list |
Stores the result of uthtmfil.wbb, uthtmkey.wbb, and uthtmsel.wbb. Use this to merge the results into HTML documents as "[$list]". |
$mailerror |
Can be defined on a UNIX system with the mail command to notify an administrator of an error reported by uterr.wbb. It should be set to an email address reachable by the Web server. It should not be set on a non-UNIX system. |
$memospacer |
If the utmmoout.wbb program tries to retain leading spaces, set this global string to "y" to have the BASIC Web Utility add <spacer size=cols> to the text. Browsers that support the <spacer> tag will then render the indents. |
$memotable |
As with the $memospacer, this attempts to retain leading spaces on lines, but uses a <table> structure, with <td colspan=cols> tag to control the spacing. Set this global string to "y" to trigger this behavior. |
$moreurl |
Stores a URL suitable for continuation of a list generated by uthtmfil.wbb, uthtmkey.wbb, or uthtmsel.wbb. All values sent in CGI$ are retained. Suitable for use in HTML text as <a href="[$moreurl]">More records&ldots;</a>. |
$otherhead |
Used in standard structure options, added before the <body> tag. Use this tag to add <meta> tags or other tags that go between the <head> and </head> tags (except <title>.) |
$outchan |
An internally maintained value used by utsend.wbb. |
$outfile |
An internally maintained value used by utwatch.wbb. |
$sesage |
If session tracking is turned on (with the $sestpl global string), this value determines the age in hours a session cookie lasts. The default is 24. Setting it to 0 results in the session expiring when the browser is closed. |
$sesid |
An internally maintained value if session tracking is turned on. |
$sesrec |
Stores the current session record, whose structure is defined with $sestpl. |
$sessioncookie |
An internally used value for cookie management. |
$sestpl |
Stores the string template definition for session state management. If defined before utcgi.wbb is CALLed, the BASIC Web Utility manages a session record using this as the record definition. |
$stdfoot |
Used in standard structure options. Points to a file to be appended to the end of all output. Used by utexit.wbb. |
$stdhead |
Used in standard structure options. Points to a file to be placed just after the <body> tag is printed by the first call to utsend.wbb. |
$tempdir |
Points to a directory to be used for temporary files. If it is not defined, the BASIC Web Utility looks for the environment variable TEMP. Then, use the /tmp directory on UNIX, or the current (cgi) directory on Windows. Used by uttempfl.wbb. |
$title |
Triggers the standard structure options and is placed in the document header inside <title>&ldots;</title> tags. |
$url |
An internally maintained value used in Win-CGI. |
$urltpl |
An internally maintained value used in Win-CGI. |
$usechan |
Used to force the BASIC Web Utility to search for available channels above this value. If the BASIC Web Utility conflicts with other programs used in an application, set this value to a high number to prevent the BASIC Web Utility from using the UNT value to open files. |
$waitsec |
Used by utwatch.wbb to pause a specified number of seconds between directory scans. The default is one second. |