In BBj 4.00 and higher, this method obtains a BBjPrinter object that allows printing documents.
Return Value |
Method |
getBBjPrinter(AttributeSet attributes, boolean client) |
getBBjPrinter(boolean client) |
getBBjPrinter(string name, boolean client) |
Variable |
Description |
attributes |
Specifies the set of javax.print.attribute.PrintService attributes that must be satisfied by the list of printer names returned. |
client |
This boolean value specifies whether to use a client/remote printer (true) or a server/local printer (false). |
name |
Name of the printer to select. Same as specifying a javax.print.attribute.standard.PrinterName attributes. |
Return Value
Returns a BBjPrinter object.
When calling the method specifying server or client, the selected printer is the default printer for the appropriate machine.
See Also
See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.