

In BBj 7.00 and higher, this method creates a BBjInputESpinner on the BBjWindow.


Return Value


BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner()
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, int len)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, int len, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, int len, string pad$)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, int len, string pad$, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, int len, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, int len, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, int len, string pad$, string val$)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, int len, string pad$, string val$, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, string mask$)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, string mask$, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$, BBjVector list!)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, string val$)


addInputESpinner(int ID, number x, number y, number w, number h, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, string val$, BBjVector list!)

BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, int len)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, int len, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, int len, string pad$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, int len, string pad$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, int len, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, int len, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, int len, string pad$, string val$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, int len, string pad$, string val$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, string mask$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, string mask$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, string val$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(int ID, string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, string val$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, int len)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, int len, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, int len, string pad$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, int len, string pad$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, int len, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, int len, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, int len, string pad$, string val$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, int len, string pad$, string val$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, string mask$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, string mask$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, string mask$, string pad$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, int initPos, string restore$, string val$, BBjVector list!)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, string val$)
BBjInputESpinner addInputESpinner(string flags$, string mask$, string pad$, string val$, BBjVector list!)





INPUTE control ID.


Horizontal position of the upper-left corner of the INPUTE control.


Vertical position of the upper-left corner of the INPUTE control.


Width of the INPUTE control.


Height of the INPUTE control. To create a standard size control, set the h parameter to 0.


Control flags, as follows:

Flag  Description
$0000$ Left justifies text (default).
$0001$ Sets the control to be initially disabled.
$0002$ Passes the Enter key to the parent window.
$0004$ Passes the Tab key to the parent window.
$0008$ Prompts non-mouse events on the control to highlight the control text.
$0010$ Sets the control to be initially invisible.
$0020$ Designates the control to be part of a keyboard navigation group.
$0800$ Draws a recessed client edge around the control.
$1000$ Draws a raised edge around the control.
$4000$ Centers text.
$8000$ Right justifies text.

The following defines the input mask characters for the mask$ parameter:

Input Mask Description
X Any printable character.
a Any alphabetic character.
A Any alphabetic character. Converts lower-case alphabetic characters to upper case.
0 Any digit.
U Any digit, alphabetic, space, or punctuation character. Converts lower-case alphabetic characters to upper case.
z Any digit or alphabetic character.
Z Any digit or alphabetic character. Converts lower-case alphabetic characters to upper case.


Length of the returned string.


Input pad character.


Default value.


Beginning of the input region.


Restore value.


A BBjVector containing the list values to display in the spinner

Return Value

Returns the created object.


A BBjInputESpinner adds spinner functionality to a standard BBjInputE control.

If the ID parameter is not specified, a control ID is assigned dynamically using getAvailableControlID().

If the x, y, width, and height parameters are not specified, they're all initialized to 0. This is typically for use with DWC windows that dynamically arrange their contents (window creation flag $00100000$).


See Also






See the BBj Object Diagram for an illustration of the relationship between BBj Objects.