Payroll - Periodic Processing Menu


Payroll Periodic Processing Menu



The Payroll Periodic Processing Menu provides access to all periodic report printing, form printing, and update tasks used by the Payroll module. Other than the Month End and Year End Update tasks, any task may be run at any time.


=> To access this menu...

Select Periodic Processing from the Payroll main menu.


About the Payroll Periodic Processing Tasks

The tasks on this menu feature the status and history reports that are available for accurate records. Status reports are available for earnings, deductions, contributions, and accruals.

History reports are available for payroll distribution, earnings, unions, and checks. Sample copies of all reports appear in Appendix A. Additionally, the month-end and year-end updates are available from this menu. Also Available is the W-2 Processing Menu, from which W-2's can be Calculated, Printed, Exported, and E-Filed.


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